Photo by: Marc Horne
Craig’s birthday is tomorrow: Monday, May 17th. Some RSA members are hoping to get the hashtag #happybirthdaycraigy to trend tomorrow, so get ready to tweet!
Craig continued his tweets about Dr. Who: Watched latest Dr Who. I think River Song might be Geoff Petersen. Also I’m now afraid of statues. He also re-tweeted actor and micro-donation activist Edward Norton: A friend just wrote: “4 yr old kid needs bone marrow transplant — a tough match. It could be you. Consider RT:
Twitter jingle fans: On Friday, LLS assistant producer Andrea Wayland tweeted that a new one may be on the way: I think it’s very possible that we may see the debut of a new Twitter jingle in the near future. And yes, I’m a Pisces.
The folks over at caught Craig’s monologue on Thursday about the cancellation of As The World Turns.
It’s another week of all new episodes of the Late Late Show. Things kick off Monday, with an encore presentation of Craig’s interview with Archbishop Desmond Tutu. It’s a candid, open exchange sprinkled with wisdom and humor, clearly worth of the Peabody Award which will be formally presented to Late Late Show Executive Producer Peter Lassally on Monday. On Tuesday, actor/writer/director Jon Favreau comes to the show, along with music by Jakob Dylan. On Wednesday, actor Dennis Quaid and actress Alice Eve are Craig’s guests. Thursday will feature music by The Hold Steady and one of Craig’s favorite guests, the deadpan funny Holly Hunter. And on Friday, Craig welcomes actor Ben Kingsley and music by Sarah McLachlan.
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