Then she sent him a message: @CraigyFerg I’ll be on your show Thursday…hope you don’t try to make out with me continually between sets…it will take restraint
Always the gentleman, Craig responded yesterday: @kirstiealley I have a no make out policy with guests. I’ve only broken it once ( with Regis) so who knows… brush your teeth xxx
Then Kirstie upped the ante: @CraigyFerg I will not only brush my teeth, I will be wearing assless chaps…non-offensive assless chaps…sorta my signature xoxoxo
Today, Craig sent out this tweet: Genuine American Legend Willie Nelson on the show tonight as a reminder its tax day He then corrected himself with another nod to Kirstie: Oops. Willie Nelson not on show tonight. Hes on tomorrow. I hope this doesn’t mean I get audited by the IRS. @kirstiealley tonight. Sexy. Looks like a very flirtatious show tonight!
Craig also responded to the latest rumblings from Smilin’ Stan Lee of comic book fame, with another friendly offer: @smilinstanlee Your sabre rattling causes great mirth mongstgst the boney legions. Calm thy rhetoric & join us for snacks & juice. Or die Let’s see how Stan reacts to this latest attempt at forging the peace!
Along with Kirstie Alley, singer Sade joins Craig on the Late Late Show tonight.
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