If there is any doubt about how talented the members of the Robot Skeleton Army can be, one need look no further than this video, posted early today. Very nice. I think I used to date her.
Video courtesy: robotcaterina?!? Subscribe to the account here.
Also today, Twitter user VladaPeterka cleverly pointed out that if you make anagrams of Craig Ferguson’s name, you come up with these: @CraigyFerg do you know that anagrams of your name are: Surface Gringo, Arguing Forces, A Rescuing Frog, A Forcing Urges, A Cursing Gofer 🙂
Curiously, if you make anagrams of Robot Skeleton Army, you get things like:
Blanket Restroom Yo
Beak Lottery Morons
Lake Trombone Story
Barroom Yokels Tent
Market Booster Only
Talker Booty Sermon
Meerkat Nobly Roost
Motor Blarney Tokes (an herbal cigarette joke?)
Barter Monkey Tools
Leaky Trombones Rot
Stalker Boney Motor
Blanket Oyster Room
Snake Broom Lottery
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