All this week, we’re featuring an appearance Craig made in October of 2009 at the Palace of Fine Arts Theater in San Francisco. A fan who goes by the YouTube user name littlefishy0 recorded the interview. Today, we conclude with parts 8 and 9, wrapping up the audience Q & A session.
Craig’s assistant Rebecca Tucker has been setting up his visit to the Caribbean, in preparation for “Shark Week” in August. She has been tweeting about her progress: Leaving tonight for Bahamas to have pre-shoot pow wow with the sharks (aka begging them not to eat the boss) Followed by this: Just dined with the crew from Discovery/Shark Week – they encouraged me to bring a barf bag on the boat, which has me a bit concerned.
Meanwhile, LLS assistant producer Andrea Wayland is again reminding the roboskelly faithful how to get their tweets read on the air, with these tips: Calling all #RSArmy #LateLateShow Fans: it’s time 2 send @CraigyFerg Q’s 2 read on the show w name/town. ORIGINALITY works – weird doesn’t.
How To Tweet Craig (part 1): Ask a question, somewhere in it put where you’re from. Don’t repeat & send the same question every day.
How To Tweet Craig (part 2): send Q’s TO his twitter @CraigyFerg. Don’t be gross or ask things you know he can’t read on air.
How To Tweet Craig (part 3): You can imagine how many of the SAME Q’s he gets. SAME = BORING. Be different w/ what you ask. Have fun!
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