Comic KickstartedWho comic serial
It’s been a successful week for fans of the web comic Craigy Who and Mr. Timey Pants. The RSA’s @IKnowJoJo has received more than triple the donations she expected to produce her web comic in printed form. She kept adding stretch goals and adding new incentives, like stickers, postcards and now T-shirts, and fans of the comic stepped up to the plate. Originally intended to be an edition of 100 copies, it has now been expanded to a limited edition of 250 copies, which Jo says will be the final total. Each copy will contain all ten episodes of the web comic (eight have already been posted online with two more to come), and be hand-numbered. Congratulations to Jo for a successful project. Copies will be printed for distribution in late May.

Late-Night Review
Craig Dances with SecretariatAmong the many reviews of Jimmy Fallon‘s early days on The Tonight Show and Seth Meyers‘ new gig on NBC’s Late Night, several have mentioned Craig favorably for his deconstruction of the talk show format and his interviewing skills. In the student newspaper at Florida State University, they praise Craig for pushing the boundaries of the genre. Thanks to the RSA’s @bgrhubarb for the link.

The Devil
In this monologue from 2006, Craig ponders the devil.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

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