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Best Robots on TV
The website HitFix.com offers a list of the ten best robots in TV history. Guess who makes the list at number nine? None other than robot skeleton sidekick Geoff Peterson, voiced and puppeteered by Josh Robert Thompson. The writer said, “How can we not love Geoff Peterson? He’s part skeleton, part blazer, all snark.” Thanks to the RSA’s @bgrhubarb for spotting the list!
Chicago Digs Craig
Chicago radio personality Nick Digilio said some nice things about The Late Late Show a while back, and was surprised to get a gift box from LLS Producer Michael Naidus, whom the web writer inexplicably called “John Naidus.” Digilio got the name right and thanked Naidus for the gifts on the air.
Handle the Truth
In this two-part monologue from 2005, Craig wonders about secret societies.
Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson