A Word of Caution About TicketsThe RSA’s @skousehouse made an important point in the comments section of our most recent post. She said:
PORTLAND TICKETS / Google alerts refers you to a site that is scalpers selling tkts for over $200 / I got my front row seats for only $55 ea / call the Box Office direct for your tickets…
For your own protection, please only buy your tickets from the authorized sellers: The venues themselves or Ticketmaster. When you buy from the authorized outlets, you can be assured that the tickets are genuine and are being sold at face value. We link directly to the authorized ticket outlets on our Live Comedy Tour page.
Craig Tweets
On Saturday afternoon, Craig tweeted in reference to some of the week’s news:
Rush makes me ashamed to be a middleaged white man and Kirk Cameron makes me ashamed to be a failed actor. We don’t all think like that NoH8
He also retweeted a very nice photograph from Scotland:
Audio Trouble
Noticeable audio errors rarely happen in network television programs, but on Friday night, viewers heard the sound of the Late Late Show disappear twice during the east coast broadcast, which is seen in most of the eastern and central time zones. The sound vanished during part of Craig’s conversation with Dennis Miller (near a point in the interview which was edited for time) and again for almost the entire introduction of the musical guests, The Light Brigade. It was unintentional and was fixed for viewers by the time the west coast broadcast was aired. LLS Producer Michael Naidus tweeted:
Ooh la la! Apologies to those on East Coast for weird audio problems on tonight’s show. Should be fixed on West Coast!
Craig re-tweeted Michael’s comment as well as a tweet from actress Leslie Bibb, who had pre-taped her March 12th appearance on Friday and jokingly asked if what she said was “code”:
“@mslesliebibb: Ahhh, just got home from a long ass day. Had the best time Thank you @CraigyFerg for another good time on ur couch! xâ€#code?
Craig’s Musical Connections
The RSA’s @Colleen_Byrne reminded us that two members of Friday’s musical guest band The Light Brigade, vocalist/guitarist Tim Mosher and the drummer who goes by the name of Stoker, have made a reputation as television and film composers in Hollywood. You might be familiar with one of their tunes: The Late Late Show theme!
Gummy Haggis?
Once again, there is proof that you can find anything on the internet. A blog writer for GeekAlerts.com wrote a brief story about something called “Gummy Haggis,” a candy form of the Scottish national dish. The writer, who doesn’t seem to think it would taste very good, mistakenly thought the meal was Irish until being corrected in the comments. We’ll stick to the real thing, thanks. Thanks to the RSA’s @itspurpl for the tip!
Prince Charles and Rod Stewart
Prince Charles celebrates his birthday with a concert:
Video courtesy: RoQu3tO
[stextbox id=”custom” bgcolor=DBF7D8]Thanks From Us
We have just one birthday/anniversary to report this weekend: Ours. Robot Skeleton Army News got its start in February of 2010, not long after Craig joined Twitter and started calling his followers his “robot skeleton army.” With the exception of a few days off in the summer or around the holidays when Craig & Company take a long break, we have been reporting about Craig, the Late Late Show and other related news seven days a week for the past two years.
We are here because you are here. Not only are we proud of having more than 500 “likes” on Facebook, more than 3,700 followers on Twitter and an average of nearly 10,000 visits to our website each month, we are humbled by the many loyal readers who contribute their stories, ideas and news tips, so they can be shared with fellow members of Craig’s ever-growing Robot Skeleton Army of fans. Your energy, enthusiasm and sense of humor make our efforts much easier. This endeavor is an entirely volunteer operation and we welcome your continued readership, submissions, ideas and friendship. Your warmth makes us feel like we’re riding a unicorn to cake mountain! Many Thanks.
RSA News[/stextbox]