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We’re Doin’ Fine, Thackerville The first leg of Craig Ferguson‘s 2012 Live Comedy Tour rolled through Wichita, Kansas on Friday and wraps up Saturday night at the Winstar World Casino in Thackerville, Oklahoma. Before leaving Des Moines on Thursday night, Craig stopped for a bite at an Iowa barbecue hot spot:

Just had dinner @ Jethro’s in Des Moines. Spectaular. If you’re in Iowa have some hot meat there. Also some food. #standardjokeformat

Happy Birthday, Ted January 25th may be Robert Burns‘ birthday but January 26th is Ted Alexandro‘s birthday!  He tweeted on Thursday:

The kind folks at Hoyt Sherman Place (tipped off by @philcottone) gave me the royal birthday treatment! Many thanks!!

And the backstage treats were just the beginning, because as you can see the photo captured by the RSA’s @bgrhubarb, Craig led the audience in Des Moines in song:

@CraigyFerg just led 1250 people singing happy birthday to me in Des Moines @HoytSherman! Really awesome.

On Friday, Craig tweeted from Kansas:

So far Wichita seems to be a town full of friendly hipsters. Kind of like chilly Austin TX. Once more my preconceived notions are bullshit.

Craig in Des Moines The RSA”s @bgrhubarb captured some outstanding pictures of Craig on stage and shared them with us: [ssg-superb-slideshow=7=600=700=7000=750=0=NO] All photos by: @bgrhubarb Hover your mouse over any photo to pause the slideshow. Click on any picture to see it full size.
This is just a small sampling of the photos @bgrhubarb took in Des Moines. For more than a hundred pictures in full size, check out her gallery. Haunted Hotel The RSA’s @VincentWaller72 heard that Craig spent the night in a haunted hotel in Omaha Wednesday night and drew his interpretation of the scene: Cussy But Funny The Omaha World-Herald reviewed Craig’s Wednesday show, saying he may cuss a lot but he sure is funny. We can’t argue with that. Behind the Scenes in Paris Eurokelly @RudyHellio got some great video behind the scenes during Craig’s week in Paris last June and set them to music. He re-posted them for fans to enjoy: Video courtesy: RoQu3tO

Tonight’s Guests The final episode of this week’s rebroadcast of the “Le Late Late Show” in Paris features a conversation with shoe designer Christian Louboutin and Craig’s performance with the dancers at the Moulin Rouge (from August 5, 2011).

Guest Update

Added to the future guest list for February are Kenneth Branaugh and Lisa Kudrow. You can see the latest listings on our Guests page.


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