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Craig on ‘The Talk’ Craig Ferguson appeared on the CBS daytime show The Talk on Wednesday, to talk about the release this week of the audiobook version of his novel Between The Bridge And The River. He entered to a standing ovation of thunderous applause. He talked about being involved in modern dance in New York, changing diapers, doing stand up comedy, Valentine’s Day, On a side note, we were rather pleased that the show’s website linked to ours for Craig’s upcoming Live Comedy Tour dates. Hear Craig Read His Novel You can now order the audiobook version of Craig’s novel Between The Bridge And The River as a sound file for your immediate listening pleasure. It’s on Amazon, and iTunes.
Robot Arrested The RSA’s @HoboRobot spotted a story on about what could have been the first case of a robot being arrested back in 1982. That was a bit before Geoff Peterson was on the scene. Craig Interviewed In this clip from Wednesday’s episode of The Talk, Craig talks about his audiobook. To see the full interview, visit the show’s website. Craig’s two-part interview begins at around 21 minutes into the show and runs until about 31 minutes in. Video courtesy: CBS

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