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Failure and Success
A new website called Delve.tv has launched a pair of video essays, examining the relationship between failure and success. Using Leonard da Vinci and others as examples, the videos try to explain how failures can play a role in leading to success, sometimes later in life than might be expected. In the second video, they include a clip of a Craig Ferguson monologue, in which he talks about the influence of advertising’s focus on youth.
Grant Talks Robots
The Mythbusters Grant Imahara, who built Craig’s robot skeleton sidekick Geoff Peterson, is featured in this month’s issue of Make Magazine. The full article is not available online unless you submit your email address or subscribe, but we’re told by the RSA’s Mallory that he mentions Geoff and Craig. The magazine also includes a bonus story from Grant, who talks about the ten robot building blocks he uses time after time.
Jail Time
In this monologue from 2006, Craig talks about being in jail.
Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson