Site icon Robot Skeleton Army News

‘Tis the Season ‘Tis the season when Geoff Peterson look-alikes are popping up around the country. The RSA’s @doxieone1 spotted a would-be sidekick imitator in the Atlanta airport this week. Are you seeing any skeletons in your area that look a lot like Geoff, perhaps with a metal mohawk or glowing blue eyes? Send a picture our way. Perhaps a Lab Coat? The Radio Times reports Doctor Who Executive Producer Steven Moffat tweeted this week that actor Peter Capaldi, who is due to take over as the twelfth doctor in the long-running series, is already shopping for clothes that might become the character’s next signature look.
Apostle BG Exposed Josh Robert Thompson has posted another piece of his television variety show for us to enjoy, with an investigation that goes behind the sermon: Video courtesy: JoshRobertThompson

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