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Look For The HelpersFred Rogers Thanks to Josh Robert Thompson, who reminded us of a quote from Fred Rogers that is so appropriate during days like these: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” – Mister Rogers Doing What Can Be Done Shoes Gift The RSA’s @bgrhubarb passed along a link that shows the good that a determined group of people or just one motivated person can do, to make things better for someone else, via

Keeping Us LaughingCraig and Wolfgang We know that we can count on Craig Ferguson to keep us laughing, as he did Friday night with guest Wolfgang Puck, as noticed. December Birthdays
Ludwig Van Beethoven


Saturday, December 15th is the birthday of actor Tim Conway, actor Don Johnson, actor Garrett Wang and actor Adam Brody. Sunday, December 16th is the birthday of author Jane Austen, actor Sam Robards, actor Benjamin Bratt and composer Ludwig van Beethoven. Here, the late, great Dudley Moore of Beyond the Fringe fame, performs his brilliant Beethoven sonata parody: Video courtesy: jondinerstein

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