Rochester Tickets Available Soon!
When Craig Ferguson‘s fall Live Comedy Tour reaches Rochester, New York on Friday, he is scheduled to perform two shows on campus at 7:30pm and 10pm. When the event was first announced, tickets were made available only to students, alumni, faculty, staff; however, school officials said if there were any tickets left over, some might be made available to the general public.
We have been told that tickets do remain for both shows, and according to the University of Rochester website, they will go on sale to the general public beginning Thursday at 3pm ET. Here’s what’s happening:
Students, alumni, faculty and staff still have the chance to get their tickets Wednesday and most of Thursday. Then, on Thursday from 3pm-8pm ET and again on Friday from 8am-10pm (show time for the final performance), tickets will be made available to the public. In order to get tickets, you have three options:
[stextbox id=”custom”]1. Pick them up in person in the Hirst Lounge in Wilson Commons (the student union),
2. Telephone 585-275-5911 during those same hours to reserve tickets at the will call window, or
3. Buy tickets at the door.
Tickets are not available online and if you call the number, you’ll be speaking to a student volunteer at the student union. The University strongly recommends you choose option 1 if possible, or option 2 if you can’t get to campus earlier in the day, because there is no guarantee that any tickets will remain at the door closer to show time.[/stextbox]
Tickets for the public are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. If you have a chance to go to the show, let us know!
After a rousing show in Hershey, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday evening, Craig makes his way west to the Palace Theater in Greensburg, just outside Pittsburgh. Just over a hundred seats remain available for the show.
After spending several nights in Manhattan, a naughty Craig tweeted Tuesday morning:
Leaving NYC. Boo. Taking highway to Hershey. Also traveling to a town in PA. Maybe later take the steamer to Cleveland with my pal Sanchez
Once he arrived, he tweeted:
In Hershey PA Not one Oompa Loompa.
#sadface #literalemoticons
Craig also noted the birthday of LLS production assistant Bridger Winegar, who is nearly done with his penance for crashing Craig’s car last year:
Happy birthday to Mr Showbiz himself @bridger_w The most adorable weird ginger since Annie.
The president of Craig’s production company, Rebecca Tucker, added her birthday wishes to Bridger as well:
Happy Birthday to my favorite ginger, @bridger_w (aka Cooter). Your gift this year: more tough love! You’re welcome.
And just before Tuesday night’s show in Hershey, Craig’s personal assistant on the road, Phil Cottone, sent a funny photo of Craig and Josh near a slightly modified sign on the wall:
Apologies in advance to those who came out to the Hershey Theatre tonight expecting jokes.
Bond, James Bond
In honor of the upcoming election season and the 50th anniversary of the first James Bond film featuring Sean Connery, enjoy Craig’s 2005 monologue about the actors who played Agent 007:
Video courtesy: ParanoidFellow
Tonight’s Guests
Tuesday on the Late Late Show, it’s the September 5th episode with actor Jeremy Irons and actress Monica Potter. On Wednesday, watch for the September 20th show with actress Nikki Reed and author Mitch Albom.
The guest lineup has been updated through October 19th and more guests have been added to the list for future tapings, including NBC’s Tonight Show host Jay Leno, plus Katie Asleton, Anne Rice, Joel McHale, Wolfgang Puck, Michael Sheen and football analyst Kay Adams. For the most complete listings, check out our Guests page any time.
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