Winnie The Pooh Interview – Three Quick Clips
The RSA’s @Girl_Atreide found three quick clips of Craig talking about Winnie The Pooh and his role as Owl. Our apologies in advance for the loud, off-topic ad.
Video courtesy:
She found another good clip with Craig singing… we’ll post that one tomorrow!

With Winnie The Pooh and the final Harry Potter film sharing an opening day this Friday, Craig understands which movie will be the top draw. But as he tells, he’s fine with that because the films are trying to reach different audiences. Meanwhile, OK! Magazine covered Sunday’s premiere.
Don’t Forget Brave
The next film featuring Craig’s voice is the Disney/Pixar animated feature Brave, which comes to theaters next summer. The RSA’s @HMSFox found an article from that details twenty reasons to be excited about Brave… and two of those reasons are Craig!
BTBATR on iTunes
You can now read Craig’s novel, Between the Bridge and the River on you iPhone, iPad or iPad Touch with the iBooks app, by going to iTunes. Thanks to the RSA’s @EastRiverSong for the tip!
Puttin’ on the Ritz
Craig’s wardrobe and costume designer, the talented George T. Mitchell is profiled by the Wichita Eagle newspaper in Kansas.
Craig in Hammond, IN
The Horseshoe Casino in Hammond, Indiana posted some pictures from Craig’s show on Saturday night. Thanks to the RSA’s @bgrhubarb for finding them.
In Your Pants
Josh Robert Thompson played along with the movie-themed “in my pants” game on Twitter Sunday evening as it trended worldwide, as did Geoff Petersen:
Great Balls of Fire…In My Pants #improvefilmtitlesbyaddinginmypants
And Josh clarified a tweet from Sunday:
Just so we’re clear: I am NOT a gay robot skeleton, I just play one on TV. #notintoballs #notyourpants
Tonight’s Guests
Monday on the Late Late Show, Craig’s guests are actor Elijah Wood and TV host Cat Deeley. CBS tweeted:
How does @woodelijah meet women? Which dance move injured @catdeeley? Find out on #LateLateShow with @CraigyFerg 2nite – 12:37amET/PT!
Tuesday, it’s The Talk and Big Brother host Julie Chen and singer Joss Stone.
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