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Ten Days on the Road The adventure began last Friday, when Craig Ferguson tweeted a picture from an airport on Germany en route to St. Petersburg in Russia.  At first, we weren’t quite sure why he was detouring through Russia to reach France but roboskellies got to enjoy the ride, as Craig tweeted last Saturday and last Sunday with pictures of the city, a grateful fan and his morning coffee.  Later on Sunday, the reason for the Russian detour became clear as Craig tweeted a picture of a large yacht and explained that he was in town for a private stand up comedy performance. By Monday, he was in Paris as promised and getting down to business, appearing for the recording of one show and gearing up for five shows of his own.  On Tuesday, no one had spotted Craig out and about in Paris but it turned out he was taping some segments indoors.  We’ll give no spoilers here but it was a famous location and from what we’ve been hearing, he made the most of it! Wednesday, reports of Craig sightings and pictures began pouring in.  He spent part of the day at the Eiffel Tower with Geoff, Sid and Kristen Bell using the city’s most famous landmark as a backdrop.  Later, he was at the Moulin Rouge, dancing with the can-can ladies and doing monologues in front of the building. On Thursday, Craig and company had moved on to the the Tuileries Garden near the Louvre to romp with Secretariat and spend a little time on the water with one of the world’s greatest ocean explorers.  Then, keeping the water theme, Craig and Geoff set up shop on the Pont des Arts bridge over the Seine. And on Friday, despite some rain showers, Craig was able to record some comedy sketches and spend more time with Geoff in front of one of the city’s best-known bookstores.  Again, our Euroskelly friends sent us wonderful pictures which we covered in greater detail in our Saturday edition, complete with a New York Times article on Craig’s week in Paris and our reflection that it took a hard-working team of people behind the scenes to make it all work. Once again, we wish to thank all of the wonderful robot skeletons in and around Paris for their help in making it such a memorable week for Craig’s fans around the world.  With their stories about what was going on and their photos, the rest of the RSA could share in an experience half a world away.  And is the world watching?  In the past week, we’ve had visitors to the website from Russia, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Spain, South Africa, South Korea, Brazil, Japan and Israel,  not to mention the UK, Australia, Canada, the US and France!  Thank you to our generous contributors. Our Favorite Images of the Week Thank you so much to the small army of Euroskellies who gave their time and energy to following Craig and company around Paris this week, figuring out what he was doing and sending along wonderful pictures and memories.  Of the many great photos they captured, these are our favorites: Hover over the photo to pause the slideshow. Click on any picture to enlarge. [ssg-superb-slideshow=2=600=480=7000=500=0=NO] The RSA’s @003lili and @MissGraoully have sent along even more pictures… we’ll be posting those over the next couple of days to keep the Paris vibe alive. What’s Up with the Locks? Why are there so many padlocks on the bridge behind Craig? Check out the Wikipedia explanation… and throw the key in the river.



Proof that Craig is a Timelord? Craig’s assistant Rebecca Tucker has been spending the past week in Paris and sent an interesting tweet on Saturday:

Anyone recognize this guy?

We did a double-take before she sent out an explanation:

It is Modigliani, who is currently haunting my apartment in Paris. And who strangely looks kind of like my boss.

He totally does! The artist Modigliani was an Italian who worked primarily in France, specializing in characteristically mask-like facial features and in the female form. [Make up your own joke.] Ministry of Laughs The @Nerdist Chris Hardwick debuted Saturday as host of BBC America’s Ministry of Laughs collection of British comedy. Video courtesy: BBCAmerica Holidays This Weekend Saturday, June 18th is International Sushi Day and World Juggling Day. Just don’t combine the two unless you’re really talented with spatulas. Sunday, June 19th is Juneteenth (also called Emancipation Day), World Sauntering Day and of course Fathers Day. France Guests

We have been trying to make some educated guesses about who Craig’s guests will be for the France episodes August 1st-5th.  Although they are not all confirmed, we have put together a list on our Guests page.  Based on the tweets you’ve read and the pictures you’ve seen, are we missing anyone?  Please let us know in the comments below.

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