Northern Lights
Northern Lights slCraig Ferguson retweeted a link to an article written for by his astronomer pal Phil Plait this week, highlighting an amazing display of the northern lights as seen from the window of an airplane.

An outside-the-airplane in-flight movie you won’t want to miss: An aurora dances on a transatlantic flight:

The video is a time-lapse compressed to just 52 seconds and is worth a watch, as are the still photos photographer Paul Williams posted on his Flickr account, including one that caught an image of a meteor.

Skeletons EverywhereHoliday Skeletons
One of the great things about the robot skeleton army is how robot skeletons can show up just about anywhere. The RSA’s @HoboRobot spotted a familiar face while doing some holiday shopping:

I found the The Geoff Peterson Collection at TARGET?

Emmys and Babies
In this monologue from 2005, Craig talks about Emmys and babies.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

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