Daylight Saving Time begins at 2am local time on Sunday, March 13 in most of the United States and Canada… although not in Arizona (except the Navajo Reservation), most of Saskatchewan and parts of British Columbia. Everywhere else, “spring forward” and set your clocks one hour AHEAD before heading to bed on Saturday night. That means you will lose an hour of sleep… unless you set the alarm an hour later like we plan to. If you want to have an excuse for being an hour late to church Sunday morning, now is the time to use it. This would also be a good opportunity to check the batteries in your smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector and make sure your fire extinguisher is charged. Safety first!
The @Nerdist Chris Hardwick interviewed Jimmy Fallon at the Paley Festival in Los Angeles Friday evening, where they talked about late night comedy and both took a stab at Craig Ferguson impressions. Check out the blow-by-blow coverage from For a brief excerpt of their discussion, visit the Paley Center website.
Geoff Petersen enjoyed his time on E!’s The Soup with Joel McHale: Thanks for all the love, RSA. First “The Soup”. Next, THE WORLD!! #delusionalrobot In case you missed Geoff’s appearance, it will re-air several times Sunday, Monday and Tuesday on E!. Geoff’s builder, the Mythbusters @GrantImahara added: Geoff, I’m very proud of you. You’re “blowin’ up” as the kids say…
Craig’s How To Train Your Dragon co-star Jay Baruchel is engaged.
From the “duh” department of unnecessary studies, it appears that Canadians spend more time online than everyone else. This study is only slightly less obvious than those that show Canadians are better at those bar-based satellite-linked electronic trivia games, have a higher tolerance for enduring cold weather and enjoy hockey a little bit too much. Congrats on winning another one, eh? Pass us a six-pack of Labatt Blue.
Saturday, March 12th is the anniversary of the founding of the Girl Scouts (we like their cookies but also their tireless service to their communities), the birthday of writer Jack Kerouac, Genealogy Day for researching your family history and International Fanny Pack Day. Sunday, March 13th is the anniversary of the Ken Doll, Good Samaritan Involvement Day, National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day and… we know Craig would like this: Planet Uranus Day. We said Uranus!