Here is the meal @CraigyFerg is trying to fatten me up with #IsHeAWitch #Deliciousness #LeTitsNow Montreal Comedy Festival from my hotel room.
Surprise appearance from @eddieizzard to introduce @CraigyFerg in French! #JFLcraigyferg
Next up for Craig is a solo stand up comedy show in Boston before he takes his summer break. We’re not sure who is opening for Craig on Sunday, since Randy Kagan is working in Montreal. We’ll pass along details when we find out. Toronto Review MILD SPOILERS: The website reviewed Craig’s stand up show in Toronto on Friday night. The review contains some spoilers about Craig’s topics in his stand up routine, so if you’re planning to see the show in Boston on Sunday or near Minneapolis in September, you may want to skip it. Paris Preview Video [stextbox id=”custom”] CBS has sent out a preview video for Craig’s week of shows in Paris. It contains a few spoilers about locations and guests, as well as a couple of “insider” video clips. If you’d rather wait until next week to be surprised, do not click the arrow. SPOILER ALERT! [stb id=”custom” caption=”Paris Preview Video”] Video courtesy: CBS [/stb] Spoilers End Here [/stextbox] End of July Holidays There aren’t many holidays for the last weekend in July that we could find but Saturday, July 30th is Independence Day for the island nation of Vanuatu in the South Pacific. It is also the birthday of sculptor Henry Moore and baseball’s Casey Stengel. Sunday, July 31st is the start of Ramadan at sundown in the Muslim faith, it is the anniversary of the US Patent Office and the birthday of Harry Potter author JK Rowling.© 2011, RSANews. All rights reserved.