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Craig’s 2014 Tour Craig Ferguson wraps up his 2012 live stand up comedy tour in Washington, DC on November 16th, and already, he’ setting up dates for 2013. It was announced Thursday morning that Craig will appear on stage at the Pabst Theater in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Friday, February 22nd. Tickets go on sale to the general public on November 2nd, and if you sign up to be on the theater’s e-mail list, you can get pre-sale tickets starting October 31st at noon CT. We’ve added the date, time, venue and ticket link to our Live Comedy Tour page. In the past, after developing an act over the course of two years and recording a comedy special (as he will in Washington in November), Craig has gone to a comedy club in Denver in March to start working up new material. But he has also been known to make a stop or two in other places beforehand. We’ll keep an eye out for new dates and post them as they become available. Craig and Katie A fabricated story in the celebrity tabloid Star about Craig being jealous of talk show host Katie Couric sparked a hilarious rant on Wednesday’s show, and tweets between the two. The original story is so embarrassingly bad, Star didn’t even put it on its website, relegating it to its print edition. The website reported on the story, quickly finding sources who debunked it. Craig tweeted Wednesday evening to Katie:

Hey @katiecouric. It seems there are dark forces at work trying to come between us. FYI I adore you & always will.

And she tweeted back:

@CraigyFerg the evil among us will never keep us apart. Where do they come up with this crap??? Xo!!!

Craig almost seemed more amused that the tabloid rag paid any attention to him at all. Although he had moments of being savaged by the press in the UK, the tabloids in the US have largely left him alone. Let’s hope that continues. CF on the Tweety Box Craig was in a tweeting mood on Thursday, sending out a string of observations, beginning with his recurring dream:

Same dream last night. The one where I’m Prime Minister of Australia. That’s 3 times now. What the hell does this mean? #probablynothing

Continuing on the theme, he added:

Took a nap & dreamed I was US cultural attaché to Canada.

Next, he retweeted the People’s Choice Awards, who mentioned that he is eligible to be nominated in the Late Night Talk Show Host category. Is he serious or is it an elaborate double bluff? You be the judge:

“@peopleschoice: @CraigyFerg up for Fave Late Night Host 2013 PCAs! Vote:  ” I’d rather be Prime Minister of Australia

Finally, he sent a cryptic tweet about a pre-show errand:

Now I’m in the San Fernando valley working on a super secret project. #notporn. #noreallynotporn #okmaybe #porn.

He may have just been there to pick up his dry cleaning, but if anything comes of it, we’ll let you know. Apple a Day The technology news website took notice of Craig making fun of Apple’s new iPad Mini, with a cheeky reference to size. Katie and Bob Craig may not be jealous of Katie Couric but he enjoyed hearing her story about dating Bob Saget and chatting about reading the news, near the end of her time on the CBS Evening News. Video courtesy: TVsCraigFerguson2 Tonight’s Guests Thursday on the Late Late Show, Craig’ scheduled guests are actor Michael Chiklis and actress Maggie Grace and late on Thursday evening, several skellies including the RSA’s @bbrom00 and @Colleen_Byrne spotted a tweet from none other than Eddie Izzard:

Going on Mr @CraigyFerg show tonight. Talking about Mockingbird Lane!

On Friday, Craig chats with actress Amanda Peet and actor John Cho. Because comedian Thomas Dale was bumped from Wednesday’s show due to Craig’s tabloid rant, he has been rescheduled for November 1st. Guest Update

Added to the list of guests for future tapings is actor David Morrisey. For the most up-to-date listings, please see our Guests page.

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