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Beware of a Craig Imposter Craig Ferguson tweeted on Monday afternoon that someone is impersonating him on Twitter, apparently trying to use his name to stir up conversation about Scotland’s independence vote. As fans know, Craig’s verified Twitter name is @CraigyFerg.

There is an idiot on the tweety called who is not me but is pretending to be me and to that idiot I say… aim higher.

Craig also took the opportunity to promote comedian Ted Alexandro‘s new album:

My friend has a new comedy album out. Available on itunes.

And he promoted his upcoming show in Concord, New Hampshire, which we posted on our Live Comedy Tour page a few weeks ago when it was first announced.

Added a show at the last minute in Concord NH on 24 March. Come to me New Englanders. Let me warm you.

Likeable Hosts One of the characteristics of a television celebrity is how likeable they are, and although it’s subjective, researchers still try to quantify likeability using audience surveys. In a recent study posted on, the likeability of late-night hosts was compared. Craig Ferguson ranks right in the middle of the survey, even though he is less known than many of his counterparts, perhaps because his show is on later at night than most. We’d like to think that as more people get to know him, they’ll like him as much as we do, because Craig’s fans are a very loyal, tight-knit group. Loyal Doctor Speaking of loyal, if you haven’t seen it, we urge you take a moment to see how actor Peter Capaldi recently comforted a young Doctor Who fan, who was concerned about Matt Smith leaving the show’s lead role and Capaldi stepping in. His explanation and willingness to spend some time with her was sweet and heartfelt. Phones and Spies In this monologue from 2006, Craig gets paranoid about phones and spies. Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

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