Craig appeared live at the Ryan Center in Kingston, Rhode Island Saturday night. Thanks to our friends there for sending us a picture of Craig as he took the stage. CF heads on to Kansas City Sunday but he’s apparently not feeling his best according to his latest tweet: Ugh. I’ve got shitty headcold. I’m drowning in phlegm & I’ve got a standup gig. I hope people don’t think I’m Welsh. Still funny, even with the cold.
Geoff Petersen has been tweeting again tonight: How exciting! Craig makes one mention of my twitter and now I have followers. Is this the true beginning of the Robot Skeleton Army? Bony high-5 to all who welcome me to Twitterland. If I had skin I would blush! Especially fun to be with my tweeps on a Saturday nite. I’m eager for Monday so I can get back to the show and play with the Fergermeister. I see mr F has a head cold. I hate those. Can’t blow your nose if you don’t have one!Geoff is definitely a popular fellow. He’s only been on Twitter for a couple of days and already has nearly a thousand followers.
Meanwhile, in another part of the hollowed out volcano, construction of a new robot skeleton is underway, going by the name fergybot4000.  This isn’t just a twitter account, it’s a real robot being built by the RSA’s Tony Tzankoff (@tzankoff). Tony tells us that construction is expected to be complete in time for Halloween.  He is also planning to post YouTube videos and eventually a website where other RSA members can interact with… and get this… control the fergybot4000. In the meantime, you can chat with him on Twitter: @fergybot4000. He tweeted earlier this evening: It has come to my attention that the humans at @RSA_News have been made aware of my presence. Hopefully, new followers will…uhh…follow.An important note: So everyone understands, this is NOT someone pretending to be Geoff. This is a new, different and real robot skeleton being made by a fan of the show who wanted to try his hand at building one… and he hopes you’ll join in on the fun.
October 2nd is World Teacher Day, National Custodial Day and Name Your Car Day. Is it possible to name a car Craig? And if so, what kind of car would it be?