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A goodwill holiday gesture between Craig Ferguson and Jimmy Fallon had the blogosphere buzzing about the end of the late night wars. The two hosts chat on Twitter and have coordinated a stunt before back in the summer, waving to each other with (non Disney-specific for legal reasons) cartoon mouse hands. This time, it was Christmas presents and it seems like Jimmy got the better end of the deal. In case you missed it, here are the segments from Late Night (complete with fake Secretariat and a nice dance from Jimmy: Video courtesy: NBC And the Late Late Show: Video courtesy: TVsCraigFerguson The gift exchange between the two hosts was covered by everyone from National Public Radio and the Washington Post to Entertainment Weekly,,, and many more. Craig’s assistant, Rebecca Tucker tweeted about the kittens that Craig sent to Jimmy:  Jimmy’s xmas kitties were adopted from Bideawee in NYC. Make a donation and save other rescued animals Jimmy tweeted to Craig:  Did you get my Christmas gift? Does it fit? You will get special treatment from anyone who sees you wearing it. Try it! And Craig replied:  I got it’s awesome.Thanks. Wearing it now to a big showbiz meeting. Do you like the kittens? They have magic powers. And Jimmy added in reply to a follower’s question:   Yes. They took off. But we got ’em. RT @ronaldferris @jimmyfallon Craig wore your sweater last night on his show. Did you catch the kittens? Rebecca is already taking advantage of the low man on the totem pole:  Sent bridger down to get me breakfast But perhaps she only did that because she was tired.  Check our her friend’s tweet:  Exhausted after being chased by a coyote. That’s not a metaphor. A real coyote actually chased me, @rebtuck, and our friend down a street. Our only question, Rebecca:  Was the coyote wearing an ACME jet pack? Craig’s opening act for his stand up tour, Randy Kagan must be feeling the recession:  I am so non profit I’m changing my last name to .org He also sent a Craig picture from this year’s tour:  Proving I’m an AVATARD by spelling it wrong in previous Tweet. Here’s a pic. of CF. And Geoff Petersen is getting in the holiday spirit:  Saturday fun starts a little early. #placestohangyourballs. Ho ho ho myyy! Josh Robert Thompson, the voice of Geoff Petersen, had fun with the Twitter hoax about Morgan Freeman:  Morgan Freeman isn’t dead, he’s just been reincarnated: #CNN #MorganFreeman If you missed it, a Twitter user created a hoax tweet, designed to look like a retweet from CNN claiming Freeman had died.  CNN immediately denied it had reported such news and the Twitter user was discovered a few hours later.  And yes, that is Josh narrating the new Yogi Bear movie that opened nationwide Friday. Fans of author/philosopher Cornel West will appreciate his tweet:  Delighted that I will join dear bro @CraigyFerg on his show again very soon. Watch our last chat on Faith/Spirituality. We’ll let you know when he is scheduled.  Meanwhile, actress/Director Lena Dunham enjoyed her appearance on the show Thursday:  Did Craig Ferguson. Eff, that man is charming. Tune in tonite to hear me confess a dark hole in my cinematic knowledge #onlyifyouwanna It should be a wild and hilarious Late Late Show on Friday with actor/comedian Billy Connolly and comedienne Maria Bamford joining Craig.  Maria tweeted:  Tnite on CBS at 1235am/1135 central with Craig Ferguson for 4 min, 9 sec. Me & pals got free soda, chow and Town Car ride. I got lady-T. The Late Late Show crew is off for the holiday break but thanks to the magic of television, we’ll get to see four all-new episodes next week.  We’ll have a guest update on Monday here on the site.

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