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HTTYD2 Website HTTYD2 Promo slExcitement is building for the DreamWorks animated feature film How To Train Your Dragon 2, featuring the voice of Craig Ferguson. If you haven’t had a chance to check out the film’s website, it’s been adding new material each week. So far, it includes profiles of the vikings and the dragons that will be featured in the movie, preview clips, an updated trailer, backgrounds for your computer, animated gifs and more, and they are unlocking new content regularly. The film opens on June 13. Your Taxes At Work02-Craig-Ferguson-54 The RSA’s @RaniVermonty let us know that the National Journal enjoyed Craig’s Monday monologue. They included clips on marijuana vending machines in Colorado and how your tax dollars are put to good use. Sports Predictions In this monologue from 2006, Craig talks about predicting sporting events. Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

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