Lunch with CharlieCraig Ferguson wasn’t going to let his friend Charlie Higson travel all of the way to the States for just a few minutes on television Monday night. The two got together for lunch in Los Angeles Tuesday to spend some more time catching up. And as Craig tweeted, the comedian turned author made the right choice from the menu:
Had lunch with my old pal @monstroso who writes horror novels for young adults about flesh eating zombies. He had ribs. Apt, I thought.
Warming Up for FloridaComedian Joe Matarese tweeted that he will be opening for Craig on this weekend’s stand up comedy tour run through Florida:
Opening for @CraigyFerg this weekend in Ft Myers, Fl, and Hollywood, Fl. I want to thank Craig for putting me up in the same hotel. Good man
No New Brave Trailer Yet
We’ve been keeping an eye out for n new trailer for the film Brave but haven’t seen it pop up yet. We’ll keep you posted. If you missed our most recent post, check out the latest still pictures of some key characters including the painted blue face of Lord MacIntosh.
Dancing EwanEwan McGregor is making what we’re pretty sure is his fourth appearance on the Late Late Show this week. He has been making the show an annual visit, including this appearance in 2009:
Video courtesy: SandyDE543Tonight’s GuestsTuesday on the Late Late Show, Craig welcomes back fellow Scot Ewan McGregor along with comedian Jeff Ceasario and comedienne Paula Poundstone as the voice of Geoff.  CBS tweeted: