Haggis Pizza
Craig Haggis Pizza
Craig Ferguson enjoyed his holiday vacation by spending a little time in Scotland. While he spent most of the time taking a break from Twitter, he did tweet a photo about Scottish cuisine:

twitpic.com/bseq0s  Perhaps science has come too far? Awesome & terrifying. #tasty

Craig Wins Two Polls02 Craig Ferguson (48)
Thanks to the diligent voting of some hard-core Craig fans, our fearless leader won two different internet polls, including TV.com’s, Funniest Late-Night Host award and BuzzSugar.com’s Best Late-Night Host award. Congratulations to His Chattiness!

Two Nice Gifts
Phil C
The president of Craig’s production company, Rebecca Tucker, sent out a tweet on Christmas Eve to Craig’s tour manager, Phil Cottone, about two bits of great news:

Big shoutout to @philcottone who won the fantasy football AND became a dad in the last 24hours! Welcome to team late late show baby Cottone!

Who’s On That Stamp?Who Stamp
The United Kingdom has issued a new series of postage stamps to honor the 50th anniversiary of Doctor Who. Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper has the images and the story behind them.

It’s Up To You
The RSA’s @003lili made the trip from Germany to see Craig perform live at Radio City Music Hall back in the fall. Over the break, she put together a video of her visit to the big apple. Enjoy!

Video courtesy: 003lili

This Week’s Guests

Genesis Rodriguez

Genesis Rodriguez

Craig & Company are back in Los Angeles to launch a new season and a new week of all-new episodes of the Late Late show, beginning Monday with actor Billy Gardell and actress Krysten Ritter. On Tuesday, Craig chats with actor Billy Connolly and actress Meghan Rath. On Wednesday, watch for comedian Steven Wright and actress Genesis Rodriguez. Actor Tim Allen and comedian Margaret Cho will be in the studio on Thursday. And on Friday, Craig welcomes TV Host Julie Chen and actress Angela Kinsey.

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