Craig’s SelfiesCraig Selfie
Leave it to Craig Ferguson to come up with a couple of great selfies to entertain his Twitter followers. Late last week he tweeted:

Selfie I took before shaving this morning.

Another selfie before makeup at the show

The latter photo is actually of Irish comedian Jackie Wright, best known as being the “old bald man” on The Benny Hill Show.

Graham’s Goals
04 Heather Graham

Upcoming Late Late Show guest Heather Graham recently talked with about her current films, television roles and the prospect of directing.

Benioff Builds05 David Benioff
Upcoming LLS guest David Benioff talked with The Hollywood Reporter about a recent big episode in Game of Thrones and makes a brief mention of at least one possible future storyline.

Craig, Flu and Sex
Craig is on flu watch in this monologue, but still manages to turn the conversation to sex.

Video courtesy: ParanoidFellow

This Week’s Guests

04 Andrea Riseborough

Andrea Riseborough

Watch for three all-new episodes of the Late Late Show this week, leading into a long holiday weekend. Things get started on Monday with actress Heather Graham and writer/producer David Benioff. On Tuesday, Craig’s guests are actor Zach Galifianakis, and actress Andrea Riseborough. Then on Wednesday, Craig spends the hour with actor/author/playwright/tech guru/renaissance man Stephen Fry. On Thursday, enjoy a rebroadcast of the March 7th episode with actor Zach Braff and actress Gillian Jacobs. And on Friday, watch for an encore performance of the March 25th show, with actor Morgan Freeman and actress Vera Farmiga.

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