Jugendsprache: Teenage Slang
When Craig Ferguson and Geoff Peterson hear the bell ring and start speaking with German accents, they might want to slip in some of the latest German teenage slang. Since Geoff doesn’t have skin, he couldn’t make use of a “tussitoaster,” but on occasion, he has acted a bit “gehasselhofft.”
Roach MomentThe RSA’s @HoboRobot couldn’t resist coming up with a traumatized, yet friendly-looking roach, after Craig’s trouser mishap earlier in the week:
@RSA_News Poor roach, just snackin on junk that smells like cheezy poofs; then a girl screams &scares’m back n2 trash pic.twitter.com/Jp26Gd7aQy
Nice Suit
Although roaches weren’t involved, Craig’s suit wasn’t quite ready for the start of the show one night.
Video courtesy: caseymnj