Geoff Goes Viral
The voice of Geoff Petersen, Josh Robert Thompson tweeted:

Thanks to all of you, my gay robot has gone viral. Yes, that’s code. @GeoffTheRobot #LLS #RSA

We’re guessing that means we’ll be seeing more live Geoff in the future.  And if Thursday’s gigglefest is any indication, the futures looks bright.

Fox Strikes Again
The RSA’s @SandraMG‘s YouTube channel (n39smm), which had a number of Craig videos, has been shut down by a Fox complaint to YouTube over some clips of Glee.  However, to the relief of Craig fans, she is rebuilding a new channel which you can find here.  Shh!

A Horse Of Course
The RSA’s @HoboRobot spotted some tweets Saturday from a production of the play War Horse at the New London Theatre in the UK.  The play features puppets of horses in the lead roles.  There was apparently a small fire backstage Saturday afternoon, sending the cast and crew into the street.  No one was hurt and a member of the cast tweeted that the show continued as scheduled, featuring the lead horse named “Joey“.  Afterward @HoboRobot tweeted:

We’re all happy Joey’s ok; @CFsecretariat @Secretariat_LA  The @RSA_News supports horse puppet safety.

We do.  We hope Joey is doing well, and that Secretariat had fun watching Preakness Stakes on Saturday where he saw Animal Kingdom come second, so there will be no triple crown winner this year.

Rapture Wrap-Up
No rapture was apparent on Saturday but Carrie Fisher tweeted some advice, just in case:

Rapture is nigh- roll a fatty & save the grass & whales #BYOB bring your own bible @alderaanplaces @CraigyFerg @mrosenbaum711 @stephenfry

Thank the Armed Forces and Your Waiter/Waitress
Saturday, May 21st is Armed Forces Day, National Waitstaff Day and is the anniversary of the American Red Cross.  With all of the tornado and flood damage across the southeastern US, it might be a good day to make a donation at to celebrate.  Sunday, May 22nd is National Maritime Day, the UN International Day for Biological Diversity and the birthday of actor Laurence Olivier.  Also, Monday is Victoria Day in Canada.  We hope our many Canadian readers are enjoying a three-day weekend!

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