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‘Name Game’ Doing Well
Craig Ferguson‘s freshman game show Celebrity Name Game has been performing well in the ratings, especially among women (now there’s a surprise). As Deadline.com reports, the show is among the strongest first-year contenders to be approved for a second season, along with daytime talk show The Real. Already picked up for a second season are The Meredith Vieira Show and the court show Hot Bench.
‘A Celebration’
On Wednesday night’s show, Craig warmly welcomed incoming Late Late Show host James Corden, who took note of Craig’s passionate fans. Craig was clear in his response: “He’s lovely!” The Nerdist and The Daily Beast agree.
The RSA’s @Colleen_Byrne has been in Los Angeles all week to watch the Craig’s final tapings of the LLS and went to his appearance at the Paley Center on Monday. She talked with the show’s producer Michael Naidus, and told him that many fans were sad about the end of the show. Naidus immediately jumped on that and said the shows this month are a time for celebrating everything we love about the LLS and Craig, and that new projects are on the horizon. Colleen agreed and urges everyone in the RSA to celebrate and show Craig, Josh, Joseph, Ryan and the whole team just how much we love and appreciate them.
Memorable Moments
Blogger Drew Zuhosky put together a piece this week featuring ten of the most memorable moments of The Late Late Show, including the poignant and the hilarious. And blogger @INSPEKTRDETECTR wrote a great piece outlining so many of the things that made Craig’s show a pleasure to watch.
LLS Slideshow
The website fansided.com has assembled their own collection of great Craig moments from The Late Late Show in slideshow form. Thanks to the RSA’s @bghrubarb for invaluable help all this week, finding practically every online mention of Craig.
The Sounds of Josh
Josh Robert Thompson tweeted recently to remind folks he has a podcast and that you can hear episodes of “Driving Myself Crazy” any time on Soundcloud.
LLS Highlights
As Craig’s final appearance on The Late Late Show draws near, media outlets are weighing in with their thoughts, including the folks over at Salon.com, who put together a look back at ten years of show, and Raleighco.com, which started with the show’s beginnings. Also offering send-off pieces are Diamondbackonline.com, the Winnipeg Free Press, PasteMagazine.com, Frazer Moore for the Associated Press, Salon.com, Zap2It.com, People Magazine, TV.com, NBCNewYork.com and the Washington Post.
Kings Things
Larry King just arrived on Celebrity Name Game.
Video courtesy: Celebrity Name Game