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Denver Shows
Although the website at Comedy Works in Denver is still listing the August 30th through September 1st guest as a “top secret act,” we know that out fearless leader Craig Ferguson will be there. And as the RSA’s @bgrhubarb spotted, Craig is tentatively scheduled for two shows each night, for a total of six performances. The website indicates that tickets will be sold on a “members only” basis, which means you have to sign up for the club’s mailing list to become a member. If you’re thinking about going, be sure to sign up soon because tickets are limited.
Tough Day at the Office
As the Huffington Post reports, Franklin and Bash star Breckin Meyer got to do a nude scene with Heather Locklear, but as he told Craig on Tuesday night’s show, it wasn’t as much fun as you might think.
Craig’s Broken Finger
Craig explains how his broke his finger, and later provides a more detailed explanation.
Video courtesy: Fergufool
Video courtesy: Fergufool