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Update: For those who were visiting the site for our live chat session on Monday night, please accept our apologies for the abrupt end of the chat. Our server was overloaded and our provider listed the account as “suspended” for more than an hour. We are working on a solution to prevent this from happening again. Thank you to everyone who took part in the chat while it lasted. The RSA is just too popular!
It’s been twelve days since we’ve seen a fresh, new episode of the Late Late Show but Monday is the night! Craig returns to the show after a run of ten stand up comedy performances in Denver and some time off home in Los Angeles.
Craig returns on a day with some fresh news: He will be voicing a character in a new animated feature from Pixar called Brave, due out on June 22nd, 2012. Entertainment Weekly was first to report the story, with some early conceptual drawings of the fairy tale. Most of the news about this film before today was about how Pixar changed directors last fall and other reports focused on the new lead actress, Kelly MacDonald taking over for Reese Witherspoon, but the new reports include the names of several confirmed cast members. ComicBookResources.com, RopeOfSilicon.com, Hollywood.com and HeyYouGuys.co.uk have stories as well.
The other thing that has the volcano buzzing is whether “Rudy”, Craig’s mustache, will make a return appearance on the show tonight. It didn’t last long the first time and he has teased us about it before, so Monday’s show will draw some attention.
The RSA live chat room will be open Monday night from 11:30pm ET/8:30pm PT until the show is over in the eat and central time zones… around 1:45am ET/10:45pm PT. Roboskellies can get together to talk about mustaches, movies or anything else Craig-related. Just watch for the live chat button on the menu bar near the top of the page. When it pops up, the room is open. Please join us!
The voice of Geoff Petersen, Josh Robert Thompson tweeted Monday afternoon:Â [quotetweet tweetid=52451409488130048]We can’t wait to find out what it is.
Program note:Â President Barack Obama’s address to the nation about US and NATO involvement in Libya concluded at 8pm ET/5pm PT and CBS went directly into prime time programming in the east and central time zones, so the late night programs will air at their regular times tonight.
Monday’s Late Late Show features musician Bob Geldoff and a performance by Far East Movement. On Tuesday, Craig welcomes back retired TV host Larry King and CNN Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.