Brave Premiere
The Disney/Pixar animated feature film Brave, featuring the voice talents of a host of Scots including Craig Ferguson, will make its European debut at the Edinburgh International Film Festival on June 30th. The film opens in the United States on June 22nd. News of the Festival showing was reported by the BBC, as well as The Hollywood Reporter.
The B Word
The Huffington Post played along with Leslie Bibb and Craig playing the acronym game on Monday’s show.
Another Craig Restaurant
On the show recently, Craig mentioned that he was not the owner of Craig’s Restaurant on Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood but admitted he enjoyed the food there. On the other side of the country, the RSA’s @HoboRobot found another restaurant with “Craig” in the name. This one is called Craigie On Main in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Maybe the next time Craig is in Boston, he’ll have to stop by for dinner.
Tom Selleck’s Mustache
More proof that you can find anything on the internet: Have you every wondered what it would be like to see Tom Selleck‘s mustache show up in different films? Thanks to comedian Richard Sandling, now you know. Thanks to the RSA’s @dorindaletitbe for the link!
Video courtesy: RoQu3tOTonight’s Guests
Tuesday on the Late Late Show, Craig chats with actor Jason Segel and actress Jennette McCurdy. On Wednesday, Craig welcomes back TV personality Regis Philbin.
Guest Update
It appears that the re-run fairy’s visit will been extended through the end of March. The latest confirmed schedule from CBS includes rebroadcasts of shows from November and December, including guests Robin Williams, Justin Long and Noomi Rapace. New episodes will resume in April. For the latest listings, check out our Guests page any time.