Brave in Scotland
This weekend, the Disney/Pixar animated feature film Brave, featuring the voice of Craig Ferguson, opens on movie screens across Scotland, two weeks before its wide release in the rest of the UK and Europe. The Daily Record has a slideshow filled with images from the film, talks about the real-life locations that inspired the film’s detailed backdrop, the Telegraph talks about places you can visit to get the flavor of the land, and BBC Scotland talks about the historical context in which a heroine like Merida might have existed.

Character of Merida
Actress Kelly MacDonald tells Scottish Television about how excited she was to play the character of Merida and the Scottish Sun talks about a Merida look-alike who will be at theaters this weekend to help promote the film.

Rashida as Writer

The RSA’s Gus drew our attention to the New York Times story about Rashida Jones and her dual role as writer and star in her latest film.

GP and the Fergs
The RSA’s @HoboRobot passed along a fun image via @Shawn__Simmons featuring America’s favorite buddy cop team.

Sneezy Tattoo
Craig’s tattoo reacts to a flu shot and his arm feels like it’s been overused.

Video courtesy: caseymnj

Tonight’s Guests

Friday on the Late Late Show, Craig enjoys conversations with actor Edward Norton and actress Malin Åkerman.  Watch for three more all-new shows from Studio 58 next week before a break with a dozen favorite shows from the past year.

Photo of the Week/Month/Year
And now, your Olympics moment of Zen, courtesy of American gymnast Gabrielle Douglas and Associated Press photographer Gregory Bull. Congratulations to Douglas for capturing the gold and congratulations to Bull for capturing the moment:

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