DVR Alert: The Late Late Show will air approximately 15 minutes later tonight, due to the President’s address regarding the end of American combat operations in Iraq. Your DVR may automatically adjust for this change but you may want to double-check.
In typical Craig fashion, he tweeted before last night’s taping, warning us not to expect too much: Not long til show time. No material, no rehearsal and the guest hasn’t arrived. Yeah! It’s like we never even went on vacation. #craptvftw. But as usual, he delivered far more, with a great first show back from vacation. The volcano was rocking with excitement to see Craig back with new episodes.
Perhaps Craig spotted all of the RSA members with mustaches on their avatars, because as fans pointed out… not only did last night’s band, The Chiefs all have mustaches, even the cat at the end of the show had one. Craig’s former experimental mustache “Rudy” had his revenge for a night. And LLS producer Michael Naidus had the last word: Contrary to rumors, first show back didn’t suck at all. Enjoy
Thank you to all of the RSA members who popped into the RSA News chat room last night. We had dozens of people spend some time and chat about Craig and the show. We learned a few things:
- Many roboskellies aren’t used to chat rooms. The technology predates Twitter and there aren’t as many chat rooms around the interwebs as there used to be. The advantage is that you can have many people in the room talking in real time. The disadvantage is that is can be a little confusing. After a little practice, it makes more sense.
- People were most enthusiastic about talking before the show. Once the show started, many disappeared… saying it was difficult to watch the chat room, Twitter, Facebook and Craig at the same time. So going forward, we may just try having the room open before a show but not during.
- There seemed to be plenty of enthusiasm the Eastern, Central and Mountain time zones before the show aired in the east. It was pretty quiet when the show was on in the west. Let’s go west coast skellies!
- Finally, we learned that it is great fun to have so many skellies together, talking and meeting new people. We’ll definitely do it again sometime soon. Thanks for helping the RSA have a fun night!
We heard some good advice from Craig’s assistant Rebecca Tucker last night:Â Ghost stories before bed are not a good idea. This morning, General @malinky2stoatir was pleased as she posted the new show:Â Having my tea & giggling…thinking about the collective Fergasmic sigh of pleasurable joy that must have gone on for 3+hrs last night. #RSA And today, voice actor Josh Robert Thompson gave us something to look forward to:Â I have ways of making Geoff Petersen talk.Recording ALL-NEW robot sidekick dialogue at “The Late Late Show” this morning!
Tonight on another all-new Late Late Show, Craig talks with former Miami Vice actor Don Johnson and detective novel author Laura Lippman.
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