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Don’t Mess With Texas
The first of Craig Ferguson‘s stand up comedy shows for 2014 is now on the calendar. He’ll be in Austin, Texas at the Paramount Theatre on Valentine’s Day. Craig has made a habit of appearing in Texas every other year or so, and more dates and cities may be added in the coming weeks. To check out the latest on venues, times, dates and ticket links, visit out Live Comedy Tour page. Keep watching for updates and book early to avoid disappointment!
Craig on Stage
When Craig appeared at the Wild Horse Pass Casino in Chandler, Arizona near Phoenix on November 2nd, the RSA’s @KarMerCoy was there with her camera. She captured some wonderful images of Josh Robert Thompson and Craig on stage and is sharing her extensive slideshow with the robot skeleton army. Take a look and enjoy!
Tattoo Time
Craig now has five tattoos, but his first was on his right shoulder and there’s video to prove it.
Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson