There was so much failing and squeeing in New York City on Saturday, the cops must have thought the place was being invaded by a Robot Skeleton Army! Craig Ferguson delivered two sold-out shows to Carnegie Hall and performed his own special brand of comedy on one of the nation’s most important stages. In attendance were thousands of roboskellies, cheering for our fearless leader. Take that, other late night douchebags! This is what a genuine group of fans looks like!
Randy Kagan, opening act and official tour photographer sent us a nice backstage picture before the show: CF backstage at Carnegie. And after his last set on Saturday night, he expressed his appreciation: Wow. Thanks Carnegie Hall. I’m still on cloud nine.The RSA’s General @Malinky2Stoatir got a great picture of the stage before the show: Some celebrities were in attendance at Carnegie Hall today. Mal spotted the Late Late Show’s producer in the audience:Michael Naidus in the house…still in the dark. *giggling* I spoke to him because he doesn’t know me… Several roboskellies also noticed Inside The Actors Studio host and LLS guest James Lipton.
The RSA’s @Colleen_Byrne, who helped organize the #CraigyAtCarnegie tweetup send this fun detail just before the 7pm show started: Peeps in the front row have sid, wavey, nadine puppets. Oy vey. And the RSA’s @kittenmeister got a wonderful shot of the poster out in front of the the theater: The RSA’s own @SariesWick was at Saturday’s 7pm performance and got some great photos she wanted to share: Craig 1Craig 2Craig 3Craig 4Craig 5Craig 6Craig 7Craig 8Craig 9Craig 10Craig 11Craig 12Craig 13Craig 14Craig 15Craig 16Craig 17Craig 18Craig 19Craig 20Craig 21Craig 22Craig 23Craig 24Craig 25Craig 26Craig 27Craig 28Craig 29Craig 30Craig 31Craig 32Craig 33Craig 34Craig 35Craig 36Craig 37Craig 38Craig 39Craig 40Craig 41Craig 42Craig 43Craig 44Craig 45Craig 46 Craig 47Craig 48Craig 49Craig 50Craig 51 Craig 52Craig 53Craig 54Craig 55Craig 56Craig 57Craig 58Craig 59Craig 60Craig 61Craig 62Craig 63Craig 64Craig 65Craig 66Craig 67Craig 68Craig 69Craig 70
Like you, we’re hoping for more pictures and details of Saturday’s shows. If you have photos or stories from Saturday in New York, please let us know. We’d be happy to include them here in the next edition. Just tweet us @RSA_News. In the meantime, Craig, Chris, Jeff, Rebecca and Michael are all flying back to Los Angeles because there’s a television show to produce for Monday night.
Craig still has more live appearances on the calendar this year:
Nov 5 Balboa Theater, San Diego, CA
Nov 6 Fox Performing Arts Center, Riverside, CA
Nov 20 Polk Theater, Nashville TN
Dec 3 Fantasy Springs Casino, Indio CA
We’ll keep you up to date if any more show are added and give you a head start to seeing Craig live, “in your region”.
Also on Craig’s calendar is an appearance on stage for a Conversation with Lewis Black at the El Rey Theatre in Los Angeles at 7pm on Tuesday, November 2nd. That is also Election Day, so they’ll have plenty to talk about. And Lewis will be appearing on the Late Late Show that same night… so they’ll tape the LLS in the afternoon, do the live event in the evening and then the show will air late that night. Expect many jokes about the time warp.
Saturday, October 23rd is Canned Food Day, Soccer Player Day and Stay Up Late Day (in honor of Johnny Carson‘s birthday). Sunday, October 24th is United Nations Day, National Crazy Day and National Mother-In-Law’s Day. Could those last two be connected? The 24th is also Bologna Day and Nachos Day. Nom nom!
A special thank you to all of our contributors for their stories, tweets, pictures and behind-the-scenes information that we get to pass along to the RSA. And thank you to everyone who takes the time to stop by the website each day. We’re proud to serve you!