Some alert roboskellies have noticed that the opening segment of the November 22nd Late Late Show has disappeared from YouTube. It appears that Jaques “Arthur” Essbag has filed a copyright claim with YouTube over the use of the opening title sequence from his show Ce soir avec Arthur. Although ironic, he would be within his rights as the copyright holder of that particular portion of the show to ask YouTube to remove the postings, which they have done… at least for RSA General @Malinky2Stoatir‘s channel and CBS‘s official YT channel. There are a handful of other postings from other users still visible on YouTube, including a few from France.
Just so everyone is clear, no one is suing Mal or CBS, so rallying the RSArmy is probably not needed. In our opinion, while Arthur technically can file the claim, it’s not very nice considering the attention it brought him.
USA Today’s Pop Candy entertainment blog has named its “100 People of 2010”, including assistant Rebecca Tucker‘s boss, as she tweeted: Check out #30!
LLS assistant producer Andrea Wayland enjoyed a taste of the Midwest today:Â Gino’s pizza for lunch and Sprinkles cupcakes for dessert….oh happy day! // For all those asking, it’s Gino’s East – straight from Chicago.
As the RSA’s @SexyCraigFerg spotted, Craig is mentioned favorably in‘s “Nice” list for 2010.
Wednesday on the Late Late Show, Craig meets Nick Lachey and welcomes back magician Jamy Ian Swiss, whom CF promoted in a tweet:Â The astounding @jamyianswiss is on the show tonight. His tricks boggle my mind. #thingsyoucouldalsosayaboutmaleprostitutes#LeTitsNow On Thursday, Craig’s guests are actor/producer Seth Green, actress Lena Dunham and musician Ruth Gerson.