Late Late Tapings
The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson is scheduled to run new episodes from now until Thanksgiving. CBS traditionally run encore shows on Thursday and Friday night when audiences are smaller than usual. Then more new episodes are planned until the December holiday break, which usually runs two weeks. That means there are just nine weeks of shows left in 2012. Have you done your shopping yet?
Poking Around
When Josh Robert Thompson, the voice of Geoff Peterson, has some spare time between LLS episodes and touring with Craig, he produces podcasts featuring many of his impressions, original characters and friends. You can listen to them on He has posted ten episodes this year, including a new one this month.
Craig Illustrations
Here at RSA News we have featured the work of @VincentWaller72, who is a big Craig Ferguson fan and enjoys creating art featuring our fearless leader. On Friday, Josh Robert Thompson tweeted one of Vincent’s most recent works:
Saturday, October 20th is the birthday of actor Bela Lugosi, baseball player Mickey Mantle, musician Tom Petty and rapper Snoop Dogg. Sunday, October 21st is the birthday of baseball player Whitey Ford, actress Carrie Fisher, reality TV personality Kim Kardashian and musician Dizzy Gillespie. Here is Dizzy, instructing the crowd how to sing along with his composition, “Salt Peanuts.”
Video courtesy: hostroute