
Meet Craig Backstage
Chumash Casino Santa YnezCraig Ferguson rarely does “meet and greets” with fans on the road away from Las Vegas. But after his November 1st show at the Chumash Casino in Santa Ynez, California, you could win a chance to say hello in person. One of Craig’s favorite charities, the Lollipop Theater Network, is auctioning an invitation to go backstage after the show, as a fundraiser. Lollipop screens first-run films and cast visits for hospitalized children. Bids will be accepted until October 24th. Check out the details of Craig’s Chumash Casino show and the rest of his fall sojourn on our Live Comedy Tour page.

Hotter in ClevelandCraig and Jane HIC
It appears the relationship between Craig’s character and Jane Leeves‘ character on Hot In Cleveland is getting hotter. From a recent taping, the show tweeted a photo:

is back!

Bio Pics Galore
In this monologue from 2006, Craig talks about Oscar-season films and the biographical pictures that tend to appear.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Book Early
Casino ReginaCraig Ferguson‘s Canadian fans are doing a great job buying up tickets for his fall stand up comedy tour, with his appearance in Regina, SK selling out quickly and names being taken on a waiting list. To date, seven of Craig’s 11 shows in Canada are already sold out with very few tickets remaining at two other shows. Craig has 15 more shows this fall in the U.S. as well. You can find locations, dates, times and ticket links on our Live Comedy Tour page. Book early to avoid disappointment!

Broadchurch USADavid Tennant
Scottish actor (and the tenth doctor) David Tennant, who has been critically acclaimed for his starring role in the UK drama Broadchurch, has signed on to play the lead in an American version of the show, complete with an American accent, reports TV Guide.

Liz and Liza
In this monologue from 2006, Craig talks about Enron, Liz and Liza.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Backstage in VegasVenetian Marquee
The RSA’s @ShariVig saw Craig perform in Las Vegas last week and sent along some photos. She made a poster featuring Craig’s now-famous questions from his last tour, Does This Need To Be Said? and when they met backstage, he autographed it for her. She is a middle school teacher and the poster now hangs in her classroom. Thanks for sending your photos, Shari!

Poster Signing Shari Poster Craig and Shari

Denver Days
08 Comedy Works Denver slThe RSA’s Kim attended one of Craig’s shows in Denver in September and sent us her story:

I had the great privilege to be at the last of Craig’s sold out shows in Denver! We arrived early but found a line of fellow fans snaking down the sidewalk as we waited for the early show to finish. A gentleman in front of us inquired as if Craig was the guy from the “Very Late Show” during the week. When we said yes, he was, he then said “He’s the Irish guy, right?” I immediately informed him that he is a proud Scotsman! We all had to laugh at that!

We finally made our way inside. We were taken to the first available seats (first come, first served at Comedy Works) and the show started a little behind schedule as it took time to seat everyone. We were treated to two very good comedians as openers. I could feel the anticipation in the room, though, and they kept their sets short.

Finally, it was time for Craig and the room went crazy when he came on stage! He looked very well-rested after his August hiatus and hit the stage running! He started with a funny take on our lack of oxygen in Colorado and kept the pace fast and funny for the next hour or so. I don’t want to spoil the fun for the future shows by relaying jokes but suffice it to say the material is fresh, new and extremely funny! Craig cracked himself up a few times, which is always funny on its own! There were several stories that left me near tears from the imagery and humor. After one joke, Craig commented that we were “a dirty crowd” and that he loved that!

All in all, it was a great night of comedy! This was my first chance to see Craig perform stand up and it was everything I expected and more. I will definitely attend his performances again if given the opportunity!

Thank you for sharing your experience seeing Craig on stage, Kim! If you have a chance to see Craig perform live, please send us your story and we’d be happy to post it for the rest of the RSA. Use our Contact Us form. Your story and still photos are welcome; no videos please.

Divas and Devo
In this monologue from 2006, Craig announces Barbra Streisand’s latest tour and digs into divas.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Letterman Extended
Craig Ferguson David LettermanThe Los Angeles Times reports that David Letterman‘s contract as host of The Late Show on CBS has been extended through 2015. With Jimmy Fallon taking over for Jay Leno on NBC’s Tonight Show, the contract extension gives CBS another year of stability and perhaps gain some viewers. The article indicates that the network is also talking with Craig Ferguson to extend for another year.

Shoes in ClevelandCraigs Shoes
Last Friday, Craig was taping an episode of Hot in Cleveland and tweeted a picture from the set:

Filming @HotinclevelandTV. My real shoes eyeing my sitcom shoes with contempt.

Parking Battle
Lennon ParkingThe battle over Craig’s parking space at CBS Television City continued late last week, as Thomas Lennon sent more video clips, prompting Craig to respond, and finally, show up in person:

“: Me vs. ‘s parking space part 2!!!! ”. What the hell?

“: Me vs. part 3!!!! ”.

Scary Drive Through
Perhaps the creator of this video is a fan of Geoff Peterson. In in case, he seems to be having fun in the drive-through lane. Thanks to the RSA’s @Gail_Belle for the link!

Video courtesy: MagicofRahat

Cuddle Time
Craig and ToriThe Mythbusters Tori Belleci tweeted a photo this week, showing him sitting on a couch with Craig Ferguson:

Not even sure what to say about this

Craig responded to the tweet:

Myth that I’m not creepy in real life – Busted.

The Geoffmobile?Geoff Car
The RSA’s Ruth spotted a great photo and wondered if it might be Geoff Peterson‘s car, complete with winter mohawk.

Devil May Care
In this monologue from 2006, Craig talks about the devil.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Parking SpaceLennon Parking
To spice up his Thursday, frequent Late Late Show guest Thomas Lennon tweeted a brief and funny taunt on video to Craig Ferguson, from the parking lot at CBS Television City:

I’ve been left unattended in ‘s parking space.

Craig quickly responded:

You bastard Lennon. I’ll get you for this

Alzheimer’s Walk
Lynn Ferguson (4)
Craig’s sister Lynn Ferguson and her family are taking part in the 2013 Walk to End Alzheimer’s Disease in Los Angeles on November 3rd. If you make a donation on her page, it counts toward her walking team’s fundraising total.

Life is a Caberet
Josh Robert Thompson has posted a new segment from his TV variety show, featuring a “show within a show” caberet act:

Video courtesy: joshrobertthompson

Ending the Day with a Laugh
02 Craig Ferguson (70)Blogger Laura Moore discovered The Late Late Show a few years ago thanks to her father, and has become a loyal Craig Ferguson fan. In a recent post, she writes about why she enjoys the show so much and says nice things about Craig. Thanks to the RSA’s @bgrhubarb for spotting the post!

Who For You07 Doctor Who
BBC America reports it will show the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special in the United States at the same time it airs in the UK on November 23rd. Most episodes of the show are shown later in the US than in the UK, or even occasionally later the same day, but this marks the first time the show will debut worldwide simultaneously.

Jail Time
In this monologue from 2005, Craig talks about being in jail.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson