
Late-Night Moves
NBC NYC slAs Jimmy Fallon takes over The Tonight Show from Jay Leno in February, the transition will mark not only a change in hosts, but a change in location for the iconic late-night program. After being taped in Los Angeles since 1972, the show is returning to New York where it began in 1954. The move shifts more late-night energy from the west coast, where ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, TBS’ Conan, E!’s Chelsea Lately, Comedy Central’s Midnight, the syndicated Arsenio Hall Show and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson are recorded. The east coast can now claim Tonight, along with The Late Show with David Letterman, Comedy Central’s The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, NBC’s Late Night with Seth Myers and Saturday Night Live. The website CapitalNewYork.com takes a closer look at the change in the late-night landscape.

Craig’s Novel Interviews03 Craig Ferguson BTBATR
Continuing our radio theme this week, the RSA’s RS recalled an interview Craig did on WNYC Radio in New York back in 2006, promoting his novel Between The Bridge And The River. Thanks for the link!

Outlaw Foods
In this monologue from 2006, Craig talks about trans fats and outlaw foods.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Wait Wait
Craig Ferguson Appearance slAs we continue our look back at Craig Ferguson‘s radio interview appearances, the RSA’s RS reminds us of Craig’s guest spot on the public radio news quiz show Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me. In it, Craig plays the “Not My Job” game, while promoting his novel Between The Bridge And The River. Thanks for the link, RS!

Rice Subs for PerlmanLynette Rice
On Tuesday night’s show, Entertainment Weekly’s always delightful Lynette Rice appeared in place of actress Rhea Perlman. We have not yet heard when Perlman will be rescheduled, but we’ll keep you posted.

In this monologue from 2006, Craig talks about big things in the art world.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Compass Dogs
Craig and Cabbage slOn Monday evening, Craig Ferguson was confronted with astonishing news from his guest Kevin Bacon, that dogs maintain a certain compass orientation while doing their business. Craig tweeted:

Tonight Kevin Bacon told me that dogs always face north when they poop. Is this true or another of Bacon’s notorious lies?

A short while later, he added:

Apparently there is some evidence to suggest that dogs poop in accordance with the Earth’s magnetic field. I’m truly shocked

Pokin’ AroundJosh as Apostle BG
Josh Robert Thompson‘s latest Pokin’ Around Podcast features the Apostle B.G.

Serious Actors
With Oscar season on the way, Craig talks about serious actors in this monologue from 2006:

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Winter TourCraig Tour Avatar
Craig Ferguson will soon kick off the winter leg of his Hot and Grumpy Tour. He’ll open in Toronto on January 23rd (Rob Ford joke, anyone), and travel to Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Kitchener, Halifax and finish up in London, Ontario on January 30th. Craig’s next American tour stops are in Austin, Texas on Valentine’s Day, followed by shows in Dallas and Atlanta. You can see complete details, including venues, dates, times and links for tickets on our Live Comedy Tour page. We have not heard about further tour dates for 2014, but we’ll keep you posted.

Shorty Award May Fall Short
Shorty AwardsLast week, we mentioned that nominations are now open for the Shorty Awards, which recognize the best people and groups on social media, including a category for Best Comedian. However, as of Monday, Craig only had 17 nominations, as compared to the Australian YouTube comedy group The Janoskians, who have already racked up nearly 2500 nominations, which pretty much puts this one out of reach. Well played, Aussies, well played.

Ferg Gets the Bird
In case you missed it on Friday, Craig explains to Bob Saget why a lady flipped him off as he drove through Hollywood the other day:

Video courtesy: CBS

Craig SelfiesCraig Avatars sl
Craig Ferguson isn’t known for taking many “selfies” on Twitter but he has taken a few since joining the social media site back in 2010, including his first in front of the Late Late Show offices at CBS Television City, one holding his Peabody Award, wearing sunglasses in Las Vegas, with his show biz pal Drew Carey and getting photobombed by a wedding at Grand Central Station in New York. We found a few of our favorites and included them here (click on the photo to enlarge). Which are yours? Let us know in the comments below.

More Craig on the Radio

In our most recent post, we included Craig’s 2009 interview on National Public Radio about his autobiography. Three years earlier, he was interviewed on the public radio program Fresh Air about his novel Between the Bridge and the River.

Self Diagnosis
Since Craig hasn’t been feeling well lately, we dug up this monologue from 2006, where Craig talks about diseases and the dangers of self diagnosis while surfing Web MD.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Oswalt Calls Out Craig
Downton Abbey slDuring his visit to The Late Late Show this week, Patton Oswalt called out Craig Ferguson for dissing the more recent seasons of Downton Abbey. As Uproxx.com reported, Oswalt hilariously equated Craig with hipsters who give up on bands who go mainstream, and Craig didn’t disagree.

Craig on Radiocraig-ferguson-american-on-purpose
It’s been a while since we’ve posted this, and you may not have heard it before. Craig appeared on National Public Radio back in 2009 while promoting his autobiography American on Purpose. It’s a half-hour well worth hearing.

Craig’s Elvis-a-thon
As you’ll see in this two-part monologue from 2005, Craig talks about spending a weekend watching Elvis DVDs and speculates about Elvis’ brief visit to Scotland in 1961.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

TV ResolutionsCraig desk
As the RSA’s @bgrhubarb discovered on her daily rounds, the folks at the AV Club have come up with a list of shows they recommend everyone resolve to watch in 2014. Included on the list is The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, which they call “the most punk rock program on TV.”

Geek a Week Cards
Peralta Card

Artist Len Peralta has been designing his “Geek a Week” trading cards since 2010, and this year is setting up a Kickstarter account to launch a new set of 52 cards featuring geeks of all kinds, including actors, writers and even the guy who owns the biggest collection of Star Wars memorabilia in the world. If you’re a fan of all things geeky, check it out.

Christie Works Out
Leave it to Craig to listen to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie‘s news conference and pick up on the detail that Christie says he has been working out. Cue the clip:

Video courtesy: CBS