Craig in Lego Form
There are some talented artists out there, and whenever we find one that likes to use their talents to highlight Craig Ferguson, we’re happy to share it. This time, @GlenBricker has assembled Legos in the form of Craig at his desk, gesturing at a Doctor Who TARDIS. Why the TARDIS? Craig is a fan, but also because @GlenBricker is hoping to convince Lego to market a Doctor Who-themed Lego set in the future. Thanks to the RSA’s @NancyInTampa for giving us the heads up!
Stretch Goals
Because the RSA’s @IKnowJoJo‘s kickstarter project to produce a printed version of her web comic Craigy Who and Mr. Timey Pants reached its first goal so quickly, she added a stretch goal with a prize of Craigy Who stickers. That stretch goal was reached almost immediately, so she has added another: This time if the new goal is reached, supporters will receive a Craigy Who bookmark. Support for the project has been great and the printed version of the comic is scheduled to be completed in late May. Donations are still being accepted, and we’ll keep you posted.
Awards Season
After seeing Craig’s emphatic statement this week about not wanting to host awards shows, we were reminded of this monologue from 2006, where he rants about awards and hosting awards shows.
Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson