
Reaction to the NewsCraig Ferguson (201)
As word spread Monday evening that Craig Ferguson will step down as host of The Late Late Show in December, reaction poured in from everywhere. Fans expressed a combination of dismay about losing their late-night dose of Craigy goodness, and hope for the future because of the many fun and interesting projects Craig will have time to pursue once he’s away from the daily grind of a network talk show. And it is most definitely a grind: Those involved, from the on-air talent to the writers, to the technical crew and support staff, say it is rewarding but challenging work to create an hour of engaging and entertaining television every day. And while Craig will continue to be involved in television, his new schedule will have some clear time benefits. As host of the syndicated game show Celebrity Name Game, taping will come in bursts; with several shows being taped at once over the course of a few weeks, followed by some time off. And much of his other work in television will be as an executive producer, giving him time to consider the big picture without having to perform on camera every day. We expect he’ll enjoy it and come up with whole new ways to entertain.

Media Reaction
02 Craig Ferguson (69)We’ll spare you all of the news stories filled with the (still mostly incorrect) reasons why Craig is leaving the show, and the renewed speculation about who might replace him. As we posted last time, Craig talked directly with the trade publication Variety, which outlined his reasons. A follow-up story Tuesday in Variety careened off into fantasy land again, so we’ll skip that one as well. But there were some wonderful stories that focused primarily on the great work Craig has done in the past ten years. National Public Radio explains how he “unmade” the late-night talk show. The Washington Post offers a guide to the weirdness of the show. Bustle.com understands that he had already been planning to move on. Canoe.ca wonders if anyone can sustain being a “hot” performer for long. And Esquire bemoans the loss of the “most hit-on man in the history of television.”

Fan ReactionCraig with Geoff and Secretariat
Fans had a lot to say, with an outpouring of emotion on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and every other outlet available to them. Our favorite so far, though, comes from Becka, who explained her feelings on the caigy-fergs Tumblr page. If you have a post on your website, Tumblr, or other story about Craig you’d like to share with the rest of the robot skeleton army, please let us know by tweeting us a link, or by using our Contact Us form. We anticipate there will be many to come over the next eight months.

HTTYD2 Premiere
How To Train Your Dragon 2The DreamWorks animated feature film How To Train Your Dragon 2 hits 2-D and 3-D theaters worldwide on June 13, but as the eagle-eyed @bgrhubarb noticed on a fan blog, there will be a world premiere screening on June 8 at the Regency Village Theatre in Westwood, California. If you’re in the greater Los Angeles area, you’ll have a chance to see it before the rest of the country and maybe spot a celebrity.

Praise from Letterman
On Tuesday’s Late Show, Deadline.com reports David Letterman says Craig made The Late Late Show unlike any other late-night show, and added that for anyone to be truly unique in television is virtually impossible. That says a great deal. Here is the clip:

Craig to Leave Late Late Show02 Craig Ferguson (63) sl
We said we’d wait to hear it from the horse’s mouth, and so we have: Craig Ferguson is leaving The Late Late Show in December. He made the announcement on Monday’s show. The network released the news shortly after the show was taped at CBS Television City on Monday afternoon. The news was carried by multiple news outlets, including The Hollywood Reporter, Broadcasting & Cable, TV Guide and many more. There will be plenty more news in the coming days, talking about Craig’s departure and possible successors, and as always, we’ll keep you up date on reliable reports. For now, here is the best of them so far, from the lovely and talented Cynthia Littleton at Variety.

CBS News Release
Below is the full text of the CBS news release:


Critically Acclaimed Host of the Peabody Award-Winning Late Night Show to Sign Off in December

Craig Ferguson announced today that he has decided to step down as host of THE LATE LATE SHOW in December 2014.

Ferguson broke the news this afternoon to his studio audience during the taping of the show, which will be broadcast at 12:37-1:37 AM, ET/PT.

“During his 10 years as host, Craig has elevated CBS to new creative and competitive heights at 12:30,” said Nina Tassler, Chairman, CBS Entertainment. “He infused the broadcast with tremendous energy, unique comedy, insightful interviews and some of the most heartfelt monologues seen on television.”

Added Tassler, “Craig’s versatile talents as a writer, producer, actor and comedian speak to his great days ahead. While we’ll miss Craig and can’t thank him enough for his contributions to both the show and the Network, we respect his decision to move on, and we look forward to celebrating his final broadcasts during the next eight months.”

Said Ferguson, “CBS and I are not getting divorced, we are ‘consciously uncoupling,’ but we will still spend holidays together and share custody of the fake horse and robot skeleton, both of whom we love very much.”

Ferguson has several projects in the works, including hosting “Celebrity Name Game,” a syndicated game show beginning fall 2014, as well as developing television projects via his Green Mountain West production company.

Since its debut in 2005, THE LATE LATE SHOW with CRAIG FERGUSON has won critical acclaim for its unpredictable style and its host’s versatility and charm. The Scottish-born actor, writer, director and producer brought a unique approach to late night television, earning the show a Peabody Award in 2009, and an Emmy Award nomination for himself in 2006. The program’s signatures include an extended, unscripted monologue and guest interviews noted for their free-wheeling nature.

Ferguson has also received critical praise for his more serious commentaries, notably on the passing of his father, the Boston Marathon bombing, obtaining his U.S. citizenship and dealing with his own addictions after Britney Spears’ infamous meltdown in 2007.

He has taken THE LATE LATE SHOW out of the studio with remotes from the streets of Paris and Scotland, as well as broadcasts from Miami and New Orleans in conjunction with CBS’s coverage of the 2009 and 2013 Super Bowls. He also hosted the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in 2008 after becoming a U.S. citizen.

THE LATE LATE SHOW with CRAIG FERGUSON is broadcast weeknights (12:37-1:37 AM, ET/PT). Peter Lassally is the executive producer; Michael Naidus is the producer.

What’s Ahead for Craig?
As the release above indicates, Craig has lots of projects going on, not the least of which is a new, daily game show called Celebrity Name Game, which debuts this fall on stations across most of the country. He’s also executive producing shows like Naked After Dark and Shark After Dark for the Discovery Channel, as well as the new I F-ing Love Science for the Science Channel this fall. He is also an executive producer and screenwriter for an upcoming feature film Last Man Out, based on the novel Ghosts of Belfast by Stuart Neville. He’s on the road for a few dozen dates a year as a stand up comedian. And he keeps saying he might write a follow-up novel to Between The Bridge and the River. Plus, he’s hard at work being a father, so he has plenty to keep him busy. The decision doesn’t come as a surprise to us, with all he’s been building in recent years. Our take: This is a new beginning for Craig, just one of many new beginnings he’s had in his life that have led him to better and better things.

Craig’s Announcement
In case you missed it, here is the full announcement from Monday night’s show:

Video courtesy: News Dx Flash

Craig Digs Foyle’s War
Foyles WarWhen Craig Ferguson gets excited about a television series, he throws himself into it with enthusiasm. He has praised shows like The Wire and Breaking Bad, and enjoyed a fascination with Downton Abbey. Now, he’s enjoying the series Foyle’s War, which began in 2002. Filming is just wrapping up on a new season, which will air next year. The show has aired on ITV in the UK and PBS in the US, and is available on DVD. As the RSA’s @bgrhubarb found, the show’s blog took notice that Craig is a fan.

Sidekick BondingDriving Myself Crazy
In the latest episode of his Driving Myself Crazy podcast, Josh Robert Thompson interviews Adam Carolla Show sidekick and author Bryan Bishop about his new book, surviving cancer and being a sidekick.

America’s Pastime
In this monologue from 2005, Craig talks about baseball.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

McHale Preps for DCJoel McHale sl
Just as Craig Ferguson had the opportunity to speak the White House Correspondent’s Dinner in Washington back in 2008, TV Host Joel McHale has the honor this year. The Daily Caller couldn’t get McHale to give away any of his jokes, but he did suggest what political party he favors. Sort of.

Chat Show Quiz
Chat Show HostsOur friends at BBC America have put together a quiz so you can find out which British talk show host you are. Included among the possibilities is Craig Ferguson. Take the quiz and see which host matches you, and if you’re not familiar with the British hosts, Buzzfeed.com recently created an American version. Thanks to the RSA’s Ruth for telling us about it!

Video of the Day
Although he admits he doesn’t remember much about the 1980s, that doesn’t stop Craig from talking about them on television.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Get Your BeringsBering Map
We always enjoy the maps on The Late Late Show, including one this week featuring the Bering Strait between the U.S. and Russia. We particularly chuckled at the “spoiler alert” in the far northern part of Alaska. We’ll see what Secretary of State Seward has to say about that!

Movie Poster Mash-Up
Paint Your DragonThe RSA’s @HoboRobot is morphing the films Paint Your Wagon and How To Train Your Dragon to come up with a theater poster mash-up.

@LateLateShowCBS Last nite I dreamed I worked4 @NBCGameNight I made this2 prove it @HTTYDragon @RSA_News @janem pic.twitter.com/itFsXM0dmG

Halloween and Saints
In this monologue from 2005, Craig talks about the banana costume, Halloween and saints.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

The Pen is MightyCraig Fountain Pen
Whenever we see artwork featuring Craig Ferguson, we enjoy sharing it with Craig’s fans. Fountain pen artist @Jefferson_Hick posted his latest creation this week, a wonderful portrait of our fearless leader. If you see great work like this with Craig or the Late Late Show as subjects, please let us know.

More from Maron
05 Marc MaronOccasional Late Late Show guest and comedian Marc Maron has a new album coming out on May 6th. As TheSlanted.com explains, Maron went back to his native New York to make the recording, in which he plays to his strong suit: Self-reflection filled with off-kilter humor. His television series, Maron, returns to the Independent Film Channel on May 8th. He’ll be on the LLS in early May to promote both projects.

Craig and the USO
In this monologue from 2006, Craig recaps an overseas trip with the USO.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

HTTYD2 in 3DHTTYD2 Flying sl
As if flying dragons weren’t enough, DreamWorks is working with Imax to release a 3-D version of How To Train Your Dragon 2. As The Hollywood Reporter explains, the remastered version will be available when the film premieres worldwide on June 13.

Cosby, Cavett to be Honored
Cosby CavettActor/producer/comedian Bill Cosby and legendary talk show host/columnist/author Dick Cavett will both be honored in the coming months for their humor. Cosby will receive the Johnny Carson Award for Comedic Excellence at the American Comedy Awards in May, reports SitcomsOnline.com, and Cavett will receive the “Man From Nantucket” award at the Nantucket Comedy Festival (do your own limerick), reports Natucket’s Inquirer and Mirror. Though best known as a television host, Cavett did spend time as a stand up comedian in the 1960s.

Outlawing Foods
In this monologue from 2006, Craig wonders about outlawing trans-fats and other foods.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson