
Game Show FansCBS Television City sl
A travel reporter with the Chicago Tribune recently decided to enjoy some game show tapings in Los Angeles and write about his experiences. Along with some episodes of Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune at Sony Pictures Studios, he also attended some tapings of The Price Is Right at CBS Television City.

A Comedian’s Perspective
Dobie Maxwell slComedian Dobie Maxwell has appeared on The Late Late Show and opened for Craig Ferguson at a live stand up show near Chicago a number of years ago. Upon hearing the news of Craig’s plan to leave the show, Maxwell wrote a blog post that caught the attention of several of Craig’s fans. He said some nice things, and after hearing some reaction, wrote a follow-up piece a few days later. To get the joke of the title, be sure to read all the way to the end. Thanks to the RSA’s @bgrhubarb and others for drawing our attention to both stories.

Psychic Signals
In this monologue from 2006, Craig tunes in to psychics.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Pixie Sticks
St Baldricks EventWhen a member of the robot skeleton army takes on a project, they do it right. The RSA’s @BluePixiePict is a longtime Craig Ferguson fan, who has hosted many fundraising events in her area for cancer research and prevention. As you’ll see on her event page on the St. Baldrick’s website, she’s hosting a new event on Sunday, June 15th in Kingman, Arizona, just across the street from the train station. Held in cooperation with the nonprofit St. Baldrick’s Foundation, the event includes people getting their heads shaved to raise money for the cause. It will feature a Bagpipes and Drums performance by members of the local fire department, plus Pixie will be singing. As a cancer survivor herself, she understands the challenges faced by patients and their families, and hopes you’ll come to the event or make a pledge.

New RomanceCraig and Linda sl
Craig Ferguson‘s mother-in-law Linda Cunningham writes romance novels set in the idyllic environs of Vermont where she lives. Her latest novel, Keeping the Peace is now available for sale. Keep an eye on her publisher’s website for more details.

Geoff in Watercolor
Geoff ArtworkThe RSA’s @DazedPuckBunny has created some new artwork featuring a familiar face:

New wee painting “geoff peterson” #art #robotskeleton #rsa #watercolor #CraigFerguson #robot pic.twitter.com/rrRLC56qdL

Beauty Contests
In this monologue from 2006, Craig gets a haircut and talks about beauty contests.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Josh BackstageJosh with Puppets
Josh Robert Thompson, the voice and puppeteer of robot skeleton sidekick Geoff Peterson, does a wide variety of work, including stand up comedy, acting on camera, voice acting and more, but he really enjoys his job at The Late Late Show, improvising comedy with Craig Ferguson each night. He recently send a couple of photos from his perch backstage:

Hanging out with some friends backstage.

Behind the RowPay no attention to the man behind the lesbians.

The PlayersJosh also retweeted a post from @TheGiantsFan707, which highlighted the performers working with Craig on the show:

For future LLS stories, refer media & journalists to this picture!

Fan Questions
Driving Myself CrazyFrom time to time, Josh answers fan questions about the LLS and his other projects. Sometimes he’ll post replies on Twitter and recently, he used the latest edition of his Driving Myself Crazy podcast to answer a bunch of questions about the show, Craig’s announcement and the future.

Craig To Host Awards Show Monday NightOsbourne Greenberg
Craig is making an appearance at the MusiCares MAP Fund event, which provides members of the music community access to addiction recovery treatment. He’ll be presenting the MusiCares From the Heart Award to Jeff Greenberg, owner/CEO of the Village studios, for his dedication to the mission and goals of the organization. Also receiving an award that night will be musician Ozzy Osbourne, for his commitment to helping other addicts with the addiction recovery process. A benefit concert follows the awards presentation, with all proceeds benefiting the Fund, featuring Keb’ Mo’ and Metallica. There will also be a performance by Osbourne and his touring band with special guest Slash on guitar.

Aliens Invasion
In this monologue from 2006, Craig talks about aliens.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Night at the Westbury
NYCB Theatre WestburyCraig Ferguson brought his stand up comedy show to the Atlantic City on Saturday night at the Trump Taj Mahal. Josh Robert Thompson opened the show, and will do the same on Sunday at the NYCB Theatre in Westbury, wrapping up a quick three-night east coast leg of the Hot and Grumpy Tour.

More Kind Words02-Craig-Ferguson-66 sl
The folks over at Acculturated.com give us their reasons why Craig is the best late-night talk show host.

One Fan’s Thoughts
The RSA’s Nikki used a poetic style to write some thoughts about Craig and what he has meant to her as a fan.

[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”Click the plus to see Nikki’s poem”]
A Late Late Discovery

This place is magical.
I’ve never been here, but I’ve been here every night.
It’s always the same: a huge stage with a desk and a podium on the left side
and a red curtain and a fake stable on the right side.
Every night a robot skeleton, a fake horse, and a man come in and add that spark.
They have the magic that makes me laugh,
informs me about things
I never would’ve thought of before,
and brings me closer to my mom and to myself.

When I was in high school we would tape the show every night,
and then Mom let me watch the monologue
while getting ready for school the next day.
It made getting ready early in the morning
so much easier,
and as we laughed and discussed the material,
we learned more about each other.
We understood each other on a new level.

I didn’t fit in during my early years of high school,
but watching the morning monologues, I knew that at least two people understood me:
my mom in my own home and the foreign man in LA.
Then I transferred to a new school,
and I got it.

I learned the biggest lesson:
You don’t have to fit in.
It’s OK to stand out.
People will like you better and more honestly
for being the person you really are
than they ever would if you were fake.
That’s what the self-described “creepy foreigner” was saying all along:
All you have to be is you.


Thanks for sending us your poem, Nikki. As always, if you have a story you’d like to share with the rest of the robot skeleton army, send it using the Contact Us form on our website, or just tweet us a link to your own blog or website. We enjoy spreading the Craigy goodness!

Miami Vice
In this two-part monologue from 2006, Craig looks back at Miami Vice.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Trump CardJosh Plane sl
Craig Ferguson spent his Friday evening entertaining the crowd with a stand up comedy performance at the Capitol Theatre in Port Chester, New York, with Josh Robert Thompson opening the show. On Saturday, they’ll be appearing at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, before heading to the NYCB Theatre in Westbury, NY on Sunday. Craig tweeted a photo as they prepared to go to New York:

My friend Mr on his way to work.

Looks like a pretty nice ride!

Helping the Red Cross
Craig Red Cross slIn yet another example of how Craig quietly gives back to the community, he spent part of his Thursday evening attending a reception thanking donors to the Los Angeles area branch of the Red Cross. Actor Colin Hanks talked about the event on The Late Late Show earlier this week, and comedian Jay Leno was also in attendance.

One Show in 2009IMDB Entry
The RSA’s @SeloraLawrence sent us an image from the IMDB page about The Late Late Show, which indicates Craig took part in just one episode of the LLS in 2009. Obviously, he had something to do with the other 200-plus episodes that year as well, but it’s a good example of how a website edited by volunteer readers doesn’t always contain the whole story. Just like when Wikipedia says that Craig is learning to play the harp, or when we miss stories from time to time, it all has to be taken with a grain of good-natured salt.

Scotland and Potter
In this two-part monologue from 2005, Craig rants about Harry Potter.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Reasons to Stay
Craig GaspsIn the wake of the announcement that Craig Ferguson will be leaving The Late Late Show in December, all corners of Hollywood are weighing in, mostly saying nice things. The People’s Choice Awards blog even put together a list of reasons why they would prefer Craig stayed.

Whovian PerspectiveCraig Bow Tie
When Craig openly declared his appreciation for the longtime British science fiction drama Doctor Who, he gained a whole new legion of fans from around the world. One fan named Sage wrote a wonderful piece about how Craig has highlighted the show, interviewed its stars and celebrated what makes it great television.

Fry Reconquers Britain
Stephen Fry BooksAfter some time away, acting in movies about hobbits in New Zealand and performing Shakespeare acting on the Broadway stage, the lovely Steven Fry returns to the UK to launch a tour promoting the as yet unnamed third volume of his autobiography, reports the website comedy.co.uk. And just in time, Acorn TV now has the full series of Jeeves and Wooster available online, so you can enjoy your Fry and Hugh Laurie, too.

Poseidon and His Fork
In this monologue from 2006, Craig ponders the mythology of the sea.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

JoJo Knows
Craig Comic PaperThe RSA’s @IKnowJoJo is a dedicated fan of Craig Ferguson, going so far as to create her comic Craigy Who and Mr. Timey Pants, an adventure with Peter Capaldi as Doctor Who and Craig as his companion. It started as a web comic and is now being sent out to fans as a full-fledged comic book (sort of like a papery blog, as Craig would say). With the announcement of Craig’s December departure from The Late Late Show, Jo reflects on being a fan.

Craig Makes a DifferenceCraig in Kilt
Craig’s personal story resonates with many fans, who are inspired by the path he has taken. One fan who calls herself The Iron Diva, wrote about her appreciation for Craig and how he has inspired her.

Kimmel Re-Ups
Jimmy KimmelABC’s late-night host Jimmy Kimmel has signed for another two years at the network, the New York Times reported this week, which will make him the senior network late-night host when David Letterman retires in 2015.

Feeling a Bit Gassy
In this monologue from 2006, talks about American Idol and rants about gas.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson