
New Craigy BuzzCraig Ferguson (211) sl
For the second time in a month, the website Buzzfeed.com has posted a list of reasons why Craig Ferguson is such a great entertainer. Enjoy the Craigy goodness, complete with explanatory animated gifs.

Smiles of LTN
Lollipop LogoIf you are planning to make a purchase via the online retailer Amazon.com, you may wish to do so using this portal for the Amazon “Smile” program. By logging in on that page, a portion of your purchase will be donated to the Lollipop Theater Network, a charity Craig has long supported. The group brings first-run films to children’s hospitals, allowing the patients to see new movies without having to go to the theater.

CNG Promo
Starting this fall, Craig will be hosting the game show Celebrity Name Game. To help sell the show to advertisers around the country, the show’s producers put together a short promotional video with clips from the pilot episodes recorded last summer. You can see that it will be a fun show with Craig as host. Thank you to the many, many skellies who knocked on our door to let us know it had been released!

Video courtesy: AZTV Production

We Like To Move ItCraig and Secretariat sl
If you enjoy Craig Ferguson dancing on The Late Late Show, you’ll enjoy this set of animated files put together by the show, explaining some of his best moves. We also enjoy it when guests aren’t afraid to join in.

Late-Night Online
Craig with PhonesA recent post on Salon.com examines the phenomenon of social media’s role in boosting awareness and enthusiasm for late-night television shows. Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Conan O’Brien have all been very successful at using their websites and social media accounts to leverage online audiences to build their television viewership.

Video of the Day
In this monologue from 2005, Craig talks about the royals.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Award Wishes02 Craig Ferguson (48) sl
Back in 2006, Craig Ferguson was nominated for an Emmy Award. In a wide-open variety category that featured mostly specials, the award went to singer Barry Manilow for a televised concert. The Los Angeles Times “Gold Derby” section, which follows the Hollywood awards scene, suggests that in Craig’s final year of The Late Late Show, it might be appropriate for him to receive a second nomination. We couldn’t agree more.

Late-Night Appearances
Ward AndersonIn an article in the Toronto Star, comedian Ward Anderson talks about the sometimes difficult life of a stand up comedian, and mentions what a difference an appearance on late-night television can make in a comic’s life.

Last Comics StandingCraig Comic
The RSA’s @IKnowJoJo says she is nearly sold out of the papery version of her comic book Craigy Who and Mr. Timey Pants.

Cars and More
In this monologue from 2005, Craig talks about cars and driving.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

HTTYD2 in Cannes
Craig in HTTYD2 slThe DreamWorks animated feature film How To Train Your Dragon 2, featuring the voice of Craig Ferguson, was screened at the Cannes Film Festival this weekend, drawing an enthusiastic crowd and good reviews. The website WeAreMovieGeeks.com has great coverage, and Time Magazine offers a positive review with several significant spoilers. And TheWrap.com offers another big spoiler involving Craig’s role as Gobber.

Birthday WishesLate Late Show Balloons
On Saturday, Craig enjoyed a weekend day off for his birthday for the first time since 2009. To help him celebrate, creative Twitterer @BlackCatBalloon offered some balloon designs with a Late Late Show theme. Thanks to several skellies for the link.

Good Fences
In this monologue from 2006, Craig talks about building fences.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Map Happy
Austria MapWhen Craig Ferguson starts talking about Sigmund Freud, the conversation can range all over the place, including Europe, which gives him a good excuse to come up with another funny map. Last week, Craig wanted to highlight Austria, but the rest of the map brought even bigger laughs, thanks to places like Surrenderville in France, Czech Yourself, the ever-popular Sea of Borat and a spoiler alert along the Russian border.

Who Meets the Terminator05 Matt Smith
Actor Matt Smith, famed for his role as the eleventh Doctor in Doctor Who, will have a prominent role in the reboot of Terminator, reports Mashable.com. He’ll play a new character with a strong connection to John Connor. If he could make his entrance in a police box, that would be nice.

Dinner Parties
In this monologue from 2006, Craig talks about dinner parties.

Video courtesy: YouTube

LLS in JapanCraig with Puppets sl
Craig Ferguson has occasionally joked about having a Japanese version of The Late Late Show, but it turns out the LLS is now being shown in Japan. Google translate had a tough time sorting through the website of Japanese network AXN, but it appears they are showing at least one episode of the show each week, on Sundays at midnight. Thanks to the ever-vigilant @bgrhubarb for picking a tweet about it out of the stream.

Fan Thoughts
Craig Ferguson (80)As the news of Craig’s upcoming departure from the LLS continues to sink in, we’re continuing to read tweets, stories, poems and blog posts about what Craig and the show have meant to fans over the past decade. The RSA’s Kat wrote this week about why she’ll miss seeing our favorite Scotsman on her television each night. Update: Kat tells us the post was written by a guest poster, @themockedturtle. Duly noted and thanks to @themockedturtle!

Craig Out and AboutCraig at MusiCares
We’ve seen a handful of great Craig photos in recent days, including from his appearance as a presenter at the MusiCares event in LA on Monday evening, and some from his stand up comedy shows last weekend. The Capitol Theatre posted some pictures from last Friday’s show. Were you at any of the stand up shows and captured some photos? Please let us know.

Space and the Future
In this monologue from 2006, Craig ponders space and the future.

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson

Early Screening of HTTYD2HTTYD2 Preview sl
If you’re in the greater Los Angeles area in June, you’ll have a chance to see the DreamWorks animated feature film How To Train Your Dragon 2, featuring the voice of Craig Ferguson, a few days earlier than most. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the film will be screened as part of the L.A. Film Festival on June 9th, two days before the festival formally begins and four days before the film opens worldwide on June 13th.

Late-Night Changes
OBrien WillmoreConan O’Brien has re-signed with TBS to continue his late-night show Conan through 2018, reports The Wrap, solidifying the comedian’s place as the face of the cable network. Meanwhile, comedian Larry Wilmore of The Daily Show has been tapped to take over Stephen Colbert‘s 11:30pm Comedy Central timeslot, when Colbert departs at the end of the year in preparation to become the new host of The Late Show on CBS. As The New York Times explains, the show will be title The Minority Report and have a new format.

Lynn-SanityLynn Ferguson (4)
Craig’s talented sister Lynn Ferguson is hosting a fundraising event for LA’s Rouge Machine Theatre, a group that promotes the work of aspiring playrights and staging contemporary shows. Meanwhile, the public radio program The Moth will feature one of Lynn’s own spoken-word performances recorded last September. If you have not heard it, we urge you to listen. Lynn’s skill as a storyteller is on full display; stark and stunning.

The Internets
In this monologue from 2005, Craig talks about “the Internets.”

Video courtesy: FrankGerbertson