Craig Ferguson and Josh Robert Thompson are heading down the river, as the Hot and Grumpy Tour continues this week. After a show in Des Moines on Tuesday evening, their next stand up comedy appearance is the city known affectionately as “The Lou,” St. Louis, Missouri. They’ll be on stage at the beautifully restored Pageant Theater.
Craig’s brother-in-law @pnzr242, an excellent photographer, has been traveling on this fall’s tour, sending great images along the way, including a look at the sound check in Madison and a fantastic shot of Josh cracking up Ryan McGowan and Joseph Bolter, the men inside Secretariat.

[stextbox id=”custom”]Let me tell you all about this wonderful, glorious man. I’ve watched him on the Late Late Show for six years now, and I’ve seen him live twice. He’s made me laugh when I needed it most, and he inspired me to get into television as a career. He’s hilarious and one of the kindest, most gracious people I’ve ever met. This was, fortunately, my second time meeting him, and this time around I got to tell him how much he means to me. So once again, thank you to Craig Ferguson for being an inspiration and a hero to me. I’m so happy I got to meet you tonight. #RSA for life. / I also got to meet Josh Robert Thompson tonight, who voices Geoff Peterson. He was hilarious tonight, and always is on the Late Late Show. Tori and I missed out on meeting him in Milwaukee, so it was great to finally meet him and talk to him. Thanks for making me laugh so much tonight; you’re amazing! [/stextbox]

James Corden, the future host of The Late Late Show, will be a guest on The Late Show with David Letterman on Friday, reports Variety. And the folks over at AVClub.com put together a fun retrospective of Letterman talking with fellow talk show hosts over the years.
A Weird Family
Last week, Craig’s talented sister Lynn Ferguson tweeted:
Noticed the hashtag #MyFamilyIsWeird is trending….. Not much I can say about that.
Thank goodness you and your brother are weird, Lynn. The world is better for it!
Kinsey Reports
Contestant Angela Kinsey has some funny reactions on Celebrity Name Game to all the celebrities that have joined the “Mile High Club.”
Video courtesy: Celebrity Name Game