
Skip to My LouThe Pageant St. Louis
Craig Ferguson and Josh Robert Thompson are heading down the river, as the Hot and Grumpy Tour continues this week. After a show in Des Moines on Tuesday evening, their next stand up comedy appearance is the city known affectionately as “The Lou,” St. Louis, Missouri. They’ll be on stage at the beautifully restored Pageant Theater.

Craig’s brother-in-law @pnzr242, an excellent photographer, has been traveling on this fall’s tour, sending great images along the way, including a look at the sound check in Madison and a fantastic shot of Josh cracking up Ryan McGowan and Joseph Bolter, the men inside Secretariat.

Sound Check in Madison Josh Cracks a Joke
A big Craig fan, @CassMartino, had a chance to meet Craig and Josh in Madison. She posted on Instagram:

[stextbox id=”custom”]Let me tell you all about this wonderful, glorious man. I’ve watched him on the Late Late Show for six years now, and I’ve seen him live twice. He’s made me laugh when I needed it most, and he inspired me to get into television as a career. He’s hilarious and one of the kindest, most gracious people I’ve ever met. This was, fortunately, my second time meeting him, and this time around I got to tell him how much he means to me. So once again, thank you to Craig Ferguson for being an inspiration and a hero to me. I’m so happy I got to meet you tonight. #RSA for life. / I also got to meet Josh Robert Thompson tonight, who voices Geoff Peterson. He was hilarious tonight, and always is on the Late Late Show. Tori and I missed out on meeting him in Milwaukee, so it was great to finally meet him and talk to him. Thanks for making me laugh so much tonight; you’re amazing! [/stextbox]

Cassie and Craig Cassie and Josh
And the RSA’s @bgrhubarb got a fantastic image of Craig, Josh and Secretariat on stage in Madison:

Craig Secretariat and Josh in Madison
Corden to Visit DaveCorden Announcement sl
James Corden, the future host of The Late Late Show, will be a guest on The Late Show with David Letterman on Friday, reports Variety. And the folks over at AVClub.com put together a fun retrospective of Letterman talking with fellow talk show hosts over the years.

A Weird Family
Lynn Ferguson (4)Last week, Craig’s talented sister Lynn Ferguson tweeted:

Noticed the hashtag is trending….. Not much I can say about that.

Thank goodness you and your brother are weird, Lynn. The world is better for it!

Kinsey Reports
Contestant Angela Kinsey has some funny reactions on Celebrity Name Game to all the celebrities that have joined the “Mile High Club.”

Video courtesy: Celebrity Name Game

Iowa Bound

Hoyt Sherman Place Des Moines slCraig Ferguson‘s Hot and Grumpy Tour is making its way through the Midwest this week, including a Monday night stop in Madison, Wisconsin and a trip to Des Moines, Iowa on Tuesday. Still ahead this week are stops in St. Louis, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Montclair, New Jersey. You can see the complete listings on our Live Comedy Tour page.
The RSA’s @MariieLoovee from Quebec made the journey to Chicago to see Craig on Sunday night. She tells us:

[stextbox id=”custom”]

I’ve just seen Craig Ferguson’s show in Chicago… it was definitly a great and special moment for me. Why would I fly from my town to the big city of Chicago for a show? Well, for me it wasn’t just a show. It was more like a dream. And I think all of us have dreams, but most of them are not realised because of a simple thing: We always say and think, ‘One day I’m gonna do this, do that…’ I’m tired of waiting for things to come by themselves in my life, so I thought… ‘one day’ is today!
I bought my ticket, reserved an hotel and a flight, did overtime at work and in college in order to be able to miss a few classes. But I once heard that fear was maybe just a God’s way of saying “pay attention, this could be fun.”. And this thought was right because I’ve spend an crazy weekend and I don’t regret any moment. Thank you Craig and take care.


And the RSA’s @chelsea_theking said:

[stextbox id=”custom”]

His show was a blast, I don’t think I ever stopped laughing. This was my first time seeing him on the road and I, of course, wasn’t disappointed. I’ll try to post a few more on my Twitter page as well, but here’s one of the better pictures I could get if you want to share it on your site 🙂 Thanks!


Chicago Marqee Chicago Marquee 2 Craig in Chicago

Thank you for sending us your stories, @MariieLoovee and @chelsea_theking! From Chicago, @pnzr242 who is traveling with the tour, sent a great photo of the sound check, a photo from the road between Chicago and Madison on Monday he called “Somewhere in America,” and a wonderful image of Craig on the tour bus. We’re not sure how well Craig’s Green Bay football jersey went over in Chicago, but we heard everyone enjoyed the show, including the local website (NOTE: Some tour content spoilers!) MajorOnions.com, which had a great review. Thanks to the RSA’s @bgrhubarb for the link!

Chicago Sound Check Somewhere in America Craig on the Bus

And Craig tweeted on Monday to remind us that Metallica will be performing all week on the Late Late Show:

Rock and/or roll with Metallica on my show tonight.

Metallica on LLS


‘Hot In Cleveland’ To End

Hot in Cleveland Cast sl (2)The website Deadline.com reported Monday evening that the sixth season of TVLand’s sitcom Hot In Cleveland will be its last. When the show wraps, it will have more than one hundred episodes, making it a sure bet for reruns in syndication.

LLS PosterLLS Poster

We like to highlight talented people who create art featuring Craig and The Late Late Show. This time, our hats are off to the RSA’s @Rymant, who created an outstanding poster with Craig and Geoff Peterson.

Secret of Scooby Snacks
There is always a way to describe something on Celebrity Name Game, even at the expense of a classic animated show.

Video courtesy: Celebrity Name Game

Glad in MadtownCapitol Theater Madison
After a fun night at the Chicago Theatre on Sunday, Craig Ferguson and Josh Robert Thompson are taking the short trip to Madison, Wisconsin for a Monday night show. They’ll be at the Capitol Theater.

Craig tweeted a photo from his hotel in Chicago on Sunday, along with a great photo shot by @pnzr242:

Having coffee and sleeping at the same time whilst wearing the hat gave me.

Craig Hotel View Chicago  Craig with Hat

The RSA’s @bghrubarb spent Sunday in Chicago and got some great photos of the theater:

Chicago Theatre at Night  Chicago Theatre Reflections

And from Kansas City on Saturday night, fans @trvwll, @nitacarr, @MiniCoopGuy and @ubergeek1975 got some of the best photos at the show.

Craig Smiles in KC  Craig in KC  Secretariat in KC  Josh Secretariat and Craig in KC

Have you seen Craig live on stage this week? Please let us know, and send us your photos and stories. Just use our Contact Us form, or tweet us a link to your blog. We’d be happy to share it with the rest of the robot skeleton army.

Future Talk
Craig Ferguson at Paley CenterWe continue to see bits and pieces of news about a possible future talk show hosted by Craig. While scanning the interwebs for nuggets of Craigy goodness, the RSA’s @bgrhubarb found another brief mention of the possibility of a show in the trade publication Variety. The article is mostly about how Tribune Media is gearing up to be a national programming provider. Variety’s Managing Editor for Television, Cynthia Littleton (who has been a Late Late Show guest) says the group hopes to launch a talk show in the fall of 2015. We’ll continue to keep an eye out for new developments and pass them along.

Toy Collection
Nia Vardalos and Ian Gomez talk about Ian’s toy collection, while backstage at Celebrity Name Game.

Video courtesy: Celebrity Name Game

Sweet Home Chicago
Craig Chicago Marquee slCraig Ferguson spent his Saturday night on stage in Kansas City and will perform Sunday evening in Chicago, as the fall leg of the Hot and Grumpy Tour rolls through the Midwest. Still ahead this week are stops in Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. You can see the complete listings on our Live Comedy Tour page.

Photographer @pnzr242 has been posting images from the tour, including an image from backstage in Wichita on Friday night featuring the men behind (or should we say inside) Secretariat, Ryan McGowan and Joseph Bolter sitting with Craig while waiting to perform. And he sent another from alongside the tour bus in Kansas City on Saturday, with McGowan, tour manager Phil Cottone, Craig, Josh Robert Thompson and Bolter.

Backstage in Wichita Craig and Co in KCMO

Also from Wichita, Twitter user @Freundlydude and veggienut21 on Instagram posted photos from Friday night’s show:

On Stage in Wichita Craig Josh Secretariat in Wichita

Thanks to the RSA’s @bgrhubarb for finding great fan photos, as well as a nice review from the Wichita Eagle newspaper.  We’d welcome your photos, and if you’d like to write about your experience seeing Craig live and in person, please send us your story using our Contact Us form, or tweet us a link to your blog. We’d be happy to share it her in the hollowed-out volcano.

Talking the TalkTalk Backstage
On Thursday, Craig appeared on the CBS daytime show The Talk. He talked about working on The Late Late Show and a lot more. Here’s a clip:

Tutsi Fruitsi
Mel B and Constance Marie try not to curse on Celebrity Name Game.

Video courtesy: Celebrity Name Game

Goin’ To Kansas City
Arvest Bank Theatre Midland Kansas CityCraig Ferguson opened the fall leg of his 2014 Hot and Grumpy Tour in Wichita, Kansas on Friday night and will perform in Kansas City on Saturday night. Josh Robert Thompson is opening for Craig all week. As usual, we’d enjoy the chance to see still photos from fans who are attending any of the shows (no flashes and absolutely no video, please), and share them with the rest of the robot skeleton army.

Accompanying Craig on the tour this time is his brother-in-law @pnzr242, who is a talented professional photographer. He sent along two images, including one of Josh on the plane, and the other of a sound check in Wichita. Click on the photos to see the full-sized versions:

Josh on the Plane  Sound Check in Wichita

Craig’s road manager @philcottone often takes photos along the way as well. And if you have a story to tell about your experience in the audience, please send it via our Contact Us form, or tweet us a link to your blog.

How Cold Is It?Orpheum Theatre Wichita KS
Meanwhile, Craig tweeted from Wichita on Friday night about the chilly conditions:

I am in Wichita KS and it is so cold I am going to have to cut open my fake horse and crawl inside him to survive.

Cat’s Pajamas
A Celebrity Name Game contestant admits to checking out Cat Deeley‘s backside during the game.

Video courtesy: Celebrity Name Game

Best of Late-Night
Craig with David slAs Craig Ferguson‘s stint on The Late Late Show comes to a close, plenty of people are tuning in to see what they’ve been missing over the past ten years. This week, the folks at MovieFone.com were impressed by Craig’s interviews with Eric Idle and David Tennant on Monday, which dominated their “Best of Late-Night” feature. Thanks to the RSA’s @bgrhubarb for the link!

Digital IllustrationCraig Illustration
Australian digital artist @sheridan_johns specializes in portraits, and recently posted one featuring our fearless leader. Thanks to several skellies for sending it our way!

Apple Psy?
On Celebrity Name Game, a contestant mixes up a Korean rapper with a mathematical symbol.

Video courtesy: Celebrity Name Game

‘Talk’ TimeCraig and Sharon on The Talk sl
Set those DVRs: Craig Ferguson will be visiting with the ladies on the CBS daytime show The Talk on Thursday. The show airs on most CBS stations at 2pm ET/1pm CT/PT, but may be different in your market. Check your local listings for the time “in your region.” Thanks to the RSA’s @DeguirePauline, @colleen_Byrne and many more for the reminder.

Craig and Jay
Craig and Jay slAs we reported back in October, Craig will host an awards ceremony in January at a convention of the National Association of Television Programming Executives. Jay Leno will be among the honorees. And as the eagle-eyed @Colleen_Byrne spotted, it was just announced that Craig will also be doing an interview session with Jay during the convention. This is a session just for convention attendees and we doubt it will be recorded, but if there are any skellies who happen to be programming executives who’ll be in the audience, we’d welcome a photo!

Tour TimeH and G Tour sl
Our fearless leader was kind enough to point people toward our Live Comedy Tour page in a tweet today:

Next week I shall be walking the earth, solving crimes, telling jokes and dancing with a fake horse.

The fall leg of Craig’s Hot and Grumpy Tour kicks off in Wichita, Kansas on Friday and rolls through Kansas City, Chicago, Madison, Des Moines, St. Louis, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh before wrapping up in Montclair, New Jersey the following Saturday. If you will be attending any of Craig’s live stand up shows, please send your stories and photos our way. We’ll be delighted to share them with the rest of the robot skeleton army.

Disney Dogs
Contestants Will Sasso and Constance Zimmer discuss Walt Disney‘s character creation techniques, after a round on Celebrity Name Game.

Video courtesy: Celebrity Name Game