
Friday fact: With 130,751 members and growing, Craig Ferguson’s #robotskeletonarmy would now be the 62nd largest military in the world by number of troops, ahead of Argentina, Australia or Canada. Watch out Hungary and Belgium!

It’s probably not enough to get notice by Janes Defence Weekly. But @CriagyFerg is moving up quickly in the Twitterverse, now ranked 777th in the world by number of followers.

A request: If you’d like to tweet items from the blog, please be kind enough to give credit and/or a link: http://bit.ly/RSA_News Thanks!

Why is it a great day for America? It’s Friday!

Grant Imahara tweeted that he’s “gearing up” for a weekend of working on Craig’s robot skeleton sidekick: Gearing up (heh, get it?) for a weekend of working on @CraigyFerg’s robot skeleton. Hm, better wear the Nomex underpants…

Craig tweeted later in the day that he’s seen the plans: Checking out @grantimahara’s blueprints for robot skeleton. Beyond awesome but double plus secret so don’t ask.

Grant replied: @CraigyFerg I forgot to mention, you must EAT the blueprints after viewing them. That is why they’re printed on Cheez-Its.

Meanwhile, efforts continue to help @CraigyFerg win various internet polls, including the political humor section of about.com’s favorite late night comedian poll and faxo.com’s Mr. Twitter for the month of March. That Mr. Twitter one might be difficult… lots of Osmonds involved. And there’s another faxo.com Twitter poll for best You Tube channel, where you can vote for the prolific @Malinky2Stoatir

It’s follow Friday, so there are plenty of follows and hashtags being tweeted. An interesting note: There are several other groups using “RSA” has a hashtag including a cryptography/security association and others. Methinks #robotskeletonarmy is more unique, albeit using up more characters. #properamountofsuction is fun, too.

If there is any doubt about how talented the members of the Robot Skeleton Army can be, one need look no further than this video, posted early today. Very nice. I think I used to date her.

Video courtesy: robotcaterina?!? Subscribe to the account here.

Also today, Twitter user VladaPeterka cleverly pointed out that if you make anagrams of Craig Ferguson’s name, you come up with these: @CraigyFerg do you know that anagrams of your name are: Surface Gringo, Arguing Forces, A Rescuing Frog, A Forcing Urges, A Cursing Gofer 🙂

Curiously, if you make anagrams of Robot Skeleton Army, you get things like:
Blanket Restroom Yo
Beak Lottery Morons
Lake Trombone Story
Barroom Yokels Tent
Market Booster Only
Talker Booty Sermon
Meerkat Nobly Roost
Motor Blarney Tokes (an herbal cigarette joke?)
Barter Monkey Tools
Leaky Trombones Rot
Stalker Boney Motor
Blanket Oyster Room
Snake Broom Lottery

Grant Imahara sent a tweet to Craig this morning, asking for a nickname for the robot skeleton sidekick: @craigferguson robo skelly sidekick, “Geoff Peterson” too formal. Been calling him “FergBot” do u like this nickname? Other ideas?

Craig responded with some suggestions: @grantimahara Im kinda thinking he needs a formal name for the show but maybe his close friends call him P-Funk or Skelldiddy

Grant came back with this: @CraigyFerg It’s just that he’s… resisting being called Geoff. Perhaps an adjustment of the Emoticon chip?

RSA members are already chiming in with possible names for Craig’s sidekick. Do you have any ideas? Join the discussion on Twitter!

Some of the good ones:

“@CraigyFerg How about Bones as the name for your robot skeleton sidekick? #robotskeletonarmy” /via @orcahome”

Gen. Geoff Peterson? He should have some kind of military rank since he’s the leader of the RSA(RobotSkeletonArmy)” /via @ferdonkers

“@CraigyFerg Hey Craigy..how bout “Cheekybot” or if ya prefer just “Cheeky” fer short? The “army” needs a proper “Masterbot” salute” /via @elfunrok

“@CraigyFerg @CraigyFerg “Androgynoid – The Flaming Robot Skeleton” “Andy” to his friends” /via @claymorrissey

“@CraigyFerg as your sidekick is he not the leader of the RSA? General Bones or Colonel Craftwerk, something along those lines.” /via @jedkcanderson

“@grantimahara how about “Tronto” for @CraigyFerg robosidekick?” /via @2jase

“@CraigyFerg How ’bouts Billy Bot Thorntongue?” /via @sweetenedtaters

“RT @g253: @CraigyFerg & @grantimahara How bout calling him Asmodeus? Goes well with the “Ass Mode” thing, and it’s apparently the demon of lust. Cool!” /via @phobos8

“@CraigyFerg Name suggestion: Awesome Robot Skeleton Sidekick -> ARSS. Pronounce it how you like :)” /via @finkyhead

“A formal name for the show? I propose “Cal C. IM” (California C.raig IMahara) @craigyFerg @grantimahara #RobotSkeletonArmy #CraigFerguson” /via @wavyferg

“A formal name for the show? I propose “Cal C. IM” (California C.raig IMahara) @craigyFerg @grantimahara #RobotSkeletonArmy #CraigFerguson” /via @wavyferg

Later in the morning, Grant tweeted this: grantimahara @CraigyFerg Most popular names so far: FergBot, FergyBot, ScotBot, FerguTron and Skelly. Tho AssMode(?) and Sparky Bonester are gaining…

And still more suggestions: “@grantimahara @craigyferg
Fergalicious Skel-O-Bot” /via @Lintygoodness

“@grantimahara @CraigyFerg Robot skeleton sidekick shall be called R2CRAIG2” /via @M3Mark

“@CraigyFerg Robo Skelly should be called “Conan”” /via @rahuck

“@grantimahara How about Issac Assimode? After the famed SF author?” /via @SexySongShow

Then a very good point: “@grantimahara @craigyferg PS — this is why you never let the kids name the puppy.” /via @Esmertina

And finally, a name for the cat at the end of the show: “@CraigyFerg New name for ¿Qué aprendimos en el programa Señor Craig?? pussy cat …….. #AwkwardPaws!!” /via @NiffyNaffyNoo

Update: The robot skeleton sidekick name debate seems to be officially over. In Thursday’s cold open, Craig told his followers to get their own robot skeleton if they want to name something. Fair enough, fearless leader. Geoff Petersen it is.

After the natural high of seeing the Robot Skeleton Army swing into action and get Grant Imahara 100,000 Twitter followers, Craig admitted to feeling a bit of ennui last night. We hope the letdown is only temporary as excitement builds for the robot sidekick to make its first appearance. Sounds just “ducky” to me (a joke RSA members who saw Craig’s tweets tonight will appreciate).

Video Courtesy: Malinky2Stoatir

One of the great advantages of having a Robot Skeleton Army is helping you build strong ratings not only on television but in the polls. MTV wants to know who the best late night host and have set up a poll for viewers to choose their favorite. David (Mr. Worldwide Pants and Craig’s boss) Letterman is exempt from the poll… MTV felt it goes without saying that he is awesome. So now is your chance to vote for His Chattiness. Vote here.

Thanks to @astott25 for the tip and for promoting our humble blog in the Twitterverse. 🙂

Craig Ferguson’s Robot Skeleton Army is growing by the day. And now, Grant Imahara from Mythbusters is building Craig a robot skeleton sidekick. How cool is that?

If you haven’t already, follow Craig on Twitter: @CraigyFerg
You can also follow Grant: @grantimahara

You should follow the best ever Late Late Show YouTube poster: @malinky2stoatir
Not to mention Malinky’s blog: Here
You can read the Manifesto of the Robot Skeleton Army here.
Oh and us too, if you so desire: @RSA_News

There are at least two Facebook groups: Here
and Here

Want a fancy T-shirt to wear while waiting in the hollowed-out volcano for instructions? Get your gear here. Proceeds go to charity.

The phrase “Robot Skeleton Army” has been a trending topic on Twitter recently.

Watch this space for more stuff and don’t forget to have the “proper amount of suction”.

Video courtesy: malinky2stoatir