Geoff Petersen the robot skeleton sidekick will make his official debut on April 5th, according to our fearless leader: Geoff Petersen. The first fully functioning skeleton robot sidekick arrives with his creator @grantimahara on LLS Apr 5. Join or die.
Meanwhile, RSA members will be huddled around their screens tonight as Grant Imahara provides the first construction video of the robot skeleton sidekick on the Late Late Show! Craig tweeted last night: Robot sidekick under construction. @grantimahara’s video update on the show tomorrow. I am trembling with roboskelly anticipation
This morning, Grant Imahara added: Stay tuned tonite!!
Craig also tweeted this morning about his unusually tanned appearance on Monday night’s show. Several RSA members noticed he looked a little differently. Craig’s response: New make up person on show still finding her way. Don’t worry everyone I don’t have hepatitis c. Or scurvy. I hope anyway.
Thanks to the yeoman efforts of @The FunniestMan and many others, @CraigyFerg has reached the top of the faxo.com Mr. Twitter poll. It will take continued voting throughout the month of March to keep him on top. Likewise, @Malinky2Stoatir is now number one in the Best You Tube Channel poll and would need ongoing votes to remain in first place. It appears there is a different faxo poll for the “Hottest” Twitter, in which Craig is currently in fourth place.
A modest proposal: Not to diminish the fun but these polls could be endless. Craig now has a commanding lead in the MTV “Best Late Night Host” poll that began in January and in the about.com political humor blog’s “Favorite Late Night Comedian” poll from March 1st. Faxo.com is a gaming site with only a modest audience and there will be more polls, many of which will go unnoticed. Might it be a good idea to concentrate efforts on one poll (maybe the Mr. Twitter poll through the end of the month) and then take a break? There are many ways the Robot Skeleton Army can channel its energy in more visible and effective ways… perhaps some charitable endeavors? Please share your ideas on Twitter or in the comments.