
Stan Kennedy/W Magazine

Craig continues his great work for the Lollipop Theater Network. At a screening today of the movie How To Train Your Dragon, Craig talked with the kids who enjoyed the film. To see a short video of Craig, go to Bubbletweet and click the “watch” button on today’s entry for May 27. Thanks to RSA member monicarnsg for spotting these pictures from LTN: http://tweetphoto.com/24248127 http://tweetphoto.com/24248156

Friday Fact: If each of Craig Ferguson’s 205,572 followers submitted an 8×10 photograph, the pictures would cover two football fields.

There has been some rain in the Los Angeles area today. LLS assistant producer Andrea Wayland doesn’t want it to rain on the studio: It’s sort of spitting rain!! I hope the roof doesn’t decide to spit rain on the audience, guests, or host. Come on Thursday! Don’t do this! She also reminded us that if you want to send a tweet for Craig to read on the air, the deadline is 6pm ET/3pm PT: Tweets should be in @CraigyFerg ‘s stream by 3:00pm Pacific. Good luck! Taping of each show (shh!) actually begins at around 3pm PT most days, so being an hour or two earlier may improve your chances because Craig and the writers will have a little more time to see it and consider it.

Craig got a mention last night on the Late Show with David Letterman, as Dave chided comedian Don Rickles for appearing on Craig’s show. The exchange comes at about 2:45 into this clip:

Video Courtesy: LateNightLetterman

Actor Michael Sheen joins Craig on the show tonight, followed by music from Band of Horses.

Craig appeared at “Cool Comedy-Hot Cuisine,” a fundraiser for the Scleroderma Research Foundation in Los Angeles last night. Comedian Bill Bellamy tweeted afterward: Had a great time last night at Cool Comedy Hot Cuisine @SarahKSilverman @BillBellamy @CraigyFerg @BobSaget. We raised 500k. Yeah!

A half million bucks is not a bad night’s work for a good cause. We haven’t seen red carpet photos so far but RSA member Colleen_Byrne found a video clip of Craig performing at the event.

Another good cause in the works is happening thanks to some RSA members and it doesn’t take money, just an online signature. PixiePict and SapphireSong91 are circulating an online petition to help member justchristinah realize her wish. The idea is to get Christinah invited onto the Late Late Show, or perhaps Ellen or Oprah to talk about her life. Christinah is batting cancer and talks about it in her blog. Take a moment to read her story and sign the petition. #RSA Cares!

UPDATE: The Canadian student who asked to wear a kilt to his graduation ceremony has won his battle. The CBC among others are reporting that school officials decided to allow an exception to the district’s attire policy. Thanks to RSA member _JeremyThompson for spotting the news.

BONUS: Craig Ferguson will be a guest voice on the new cable television incarnation of the animated series Futurama! Entertainment Weekly has the news in an interview with the show’s executive producer.

OnMilwaukee.com‘s media critic interviews legendary talk show host Dick Cavett, who talks about his decades-long career interviewing famous people. In it, he praises Craig Ferguson as a favorite and says he should tell him so.

And speaking of television legends, Art Linkletter has passed away at the age of 97. If you’re too young to remember who Art was, take a moment or two to read about him. He was a friendly face familiar to millions of radio listeners and television viewers around the country.

Tonight on the Late Late Show, Craig talks with actor Antonio Banderas and comedian Paula Poundstone.

Craig Ferguson will host a national broadcast on PBS stations in June (check your local listings), highlighting the 125-year history of the Boston Pops Orchestra. The program will feature interviews and performances by artists from across the musical spectrum. Craig has been a partner of the Boston Pops since he was first invited to appear at Boston’s 4th of July festivities.

We’ve seen no tweets from Craig today but LLS assistant producer Andrea Wayland wants to be outside: I wish I could take my computer out onto the helipad and bask in the sun today!

The Las Vegas Weekly reviewed Craig’s stand up performance from the weekend. They were a little critical of the timeliness of some of the material but were positive overall.

Sustainable food guru Diane Hatz was interviewed by takepart.com and mentions that Craig is her “guilty pleasure”. Her description of him is great.

Tonight on the Late Late Show, Craig talks with the always energetic Sex and the City actress Kristin Davis and comedic film and television producer Judd Apatow.

Craig may be tweeting a bit less for a while. Although he has penned several screenplays and two runaway bestselling books, his desire to write continues. He tweeted today: Am embarking on a writing project & will have to slow down on the tweety a little bit but I still love you all. Xxx What will his new project be? Stay tuned.

Birthday wishes to Malinky2Stoatir who enjoyed a tasty breakfast today: *knock-knock-knock* Special delivery! http://twitpic.com/1qmhn7 *Nomnomnom* Yummy cupcake for breakfast! I feel so sexay… And in reference to some Twittter-based pillow fights, beer pong tournaments and other revelry throughout the day, she added: I’m having a nice, relaxing birthday…THANKS for the kind wishes & pictures. The #RSA throws one hell of a volcanic shindig! #OLD

With Craig fresh back to the studio from another sellout weekend in Las Vegas, LLS assistant producer Andrea Wayland replied to a tweet from an RSA member: @bgrhubarb What happens in Vegas…. will be discussed around my desk in the morning while consuming delicious snacks. Count on it. Craig returns to Las Vegas June 4 and 5.

Craig tweeted late this afternoon and included a nice picture: http://tweetphoto.com/23830204 I know I said I wouldn’t tweet for a bit but I thought you’d like to see the Peabody award stuck on my ear.

Toronto’s Globe and Mail newspaper has clarified the story about the Canadian student who has been told he cannot wear a kilt to his high school graduation ceremony. It was not his family but a family friend who contacted the Late Late Show about his plight. The paper says the friend has not heard back. We’ll keep an eye on the story.

Craig is back with an all new Late Late Show tonight, with Ferris Bueller’s Day Off actor Ben Stein, comedian Craig Shoemaker and music by Mishka.

Craig’s traveling partner, stand up comedian Randy Kagan has been kind enough to tweet about each of the duo’s tours this year, and this weekend’s stop in Las Vegas was no exception. Take a look at Randy’s tweets and the fun photos: The Dude. http://yfrog.com/6xkwdj Craig actually holds onto all my tats. That one on his wrist is mine. http://yfrog.com/503e3aj Gaggle of homos on stage in Vegas. http://yfrog.com/62j3wxoj Craig signing gal’s back at the Venetian. I am hoping to sign her front. http://yfrog.com/4vkbdmj Fake sky, fake clouds, fake boobs. Ah Vegas. http://yfrog.com/0x57ej People sitting at an oxygen bar. The only place to breathe in a casino. http://yfrog.com/11w6jgj My buddy Geechy Guy at Hooters casino. Double Douche. http://yfrog.com/3ualuoj Craig’s assistant Rebecca Tucker found another favorite spot: Dos Caminos at the Palazzo. Definitely a step up from the taco truck I frequent in LA.

Craig tweeted when he got back home to LA late last night:
Home from Vegas. My scrotum is in tatters but heart is full of song. Good times. Ah, Craig. Always the poet.

Malinky2Stoatir started the ball rolling on asking for requests today. Rather than being bombarded by requests around the clock, she is asking RSA members to limit their requests to specific times that she’ll announce on Twitter. Last night, she chose the first archive to go up online:
M2S Rewind: The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson 4/20/9 http://www.youtube.com/user/TVsCraigFerguson#p/c/751ED7E3B1EC56A7 #RSA Then, earlier today came the first window for requests: REQUEST HOUR Tonight [Sunday] 6:30-7:30pm EST. Send REQ via any method on YouTube or Twitter…one at a time. #RSA #CraigFerguson And she was specific about this rule: You can send 1 req at a time, publicly or privately…incl as much info as possible. Sorry we weren’t able to post her first notice here earlier, folks. But you can see for yourself when those request windows will open, please follow @Malinky2Stoatir on Twitter.

RSA member _JeremyThompson tells us that Canadian student Hamish Jacobs says on his Facebook page that neither he nor anyone in his family has contacted any talk shows, despite the report in yesterday’s Vancouver Sun. So, you may not seem on the Late Late Show any time soon.

RSA member speeddeamon reminded us that the petition to bring back Malinky2Stoatir’s YouTube channel has reached nearly 1500 signatures. While the mission appears to be over, we’re sure Mal appreciates the effort made by so many fans.

Craig was interviewed by daytime cooking and chatting maven Rachel Ray last fall. In case you missed it, enjoy:

Video Courtesy: computerwheelie

It’s another week of all new Late Late Shows beginning tomorrow night. Monday, things start off with actor Ben Stein, comedian Craig Shoemaker and music by Mishka. On Tuesday, Sex and the City actress Kristin Davis returns to the show, along with producer Judd Apatow. Actor Antonio Banderas and comedian Paula Poundstone are Craig’s guests on Wednesday. Then on Thursday, watch for actor Michael Sheen and music by Band of Horses. The week ends with comedian/author Jeffrey Ross and music by The National.

Our dear friend Malinky2Stoatir has posted a blog entry about the loss of her YouTube channel. We think you’ll agree that she captures both the disappointment and the hope for the future we all feel. As you’ll read, many of the episodes exist in some form and she will be specifically tell us when we can ask for requests sometime soon, creating more of a “best of” collection online. In the meantime, she asks not to be bombarded with messages… it’ll surely take a while to get things sorted out. And of course, do check out her new channel for all the latest Late Late Show segments and Craigy moments.

Craig had one of his best one-two punch tweets of all time last night, sending his followers into an at-reply frenzy. Here’s what he said: In Vegas. I don’t drink smoke or gamble. Getting some very judgemental looks. Better get a hooker – to blend in. Hm. Redhead or midget? Followed by: In Vegas#2. Decided to forego redheaded midget prostitute for nice cup of hot tea. Have now got 3rd degree burns on my penis. Can’t get much better than that. Reading the responses last night was hilarious.

Randy Kagan’s Twitter entry last night: Vegas rocked. Nice surprise. Fire hot. Head hurt. And Rebecca Tucker’s: Love the Venetian – chocolate shop open till 1am!

A controversy has erupted in Canada’s Alberta province that could eventually involve the Late Late Show. A student there wants to wear a kilt to his graduation ceremony but has been told he cannot. His family has contacted to the show to see about being a guest. GlobalNews.ca looked into the story and mentioned Craig. The CBC also added some details.

Craig performs again at the Venetian Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas tonight. He’ll return to the Venetian in early June. Remember, RSA peeps: If you attended last night’s show or plan to be there tonight, we’d enjoy seeing your pictures and hearing your stories.

The buzz surrounding last night’s Late Late Show was about Holly Hunter and what appeared to be an engagement ring. People Magazine reports on the ring she wore on the show and Craig’s attempts to get her to explain why she was wearing it, which she reluctantly did in her unique way.

Today’s Las Vegas Review-Journal talks briefly about Craig’s appearances tonight and tomorrow at the Venetian Hotel and Casino. We’ve heard that some RSA members are planning to attend one or both of the shows this weekend. We enjoy seeing your pictures and hearing your stories. Please send them our way.

Earlier in the week, Craig’s assistant Rebecca Tucker tweeted about her plans for the weekend: Slightly embarrassed that I’m so excited about taking a gondola ride this weekend in fake Venice (aka the Venetian in Vegas) And Randy Kagan is getting ready as well: Vegas has water conservation toilets and the Mrage Fountain.

Craig’s lone tweet of the past 24 hours compared his lunch to a substance not endorsed by the CBS corporation or its sponsors: Sat down after unusually large lunch to read a book & nodded out as if I’d taken a powerful narcotic. Ah pasta, you’re like tasty heroin. And speaking of Craig’s tweets, our fearless leader has topped 200 thousand Twitter followers. Friday Fact: Craig Ferguson ranks 651st on Twitter with 201,009 followers; greater than the population of Shreveport, Louisiana.

For your Friday pleasure on the Late Late Show, Craig talks with “grand” actor Ben Kingsley and listens to the music of Court Yard Hounds. Columnist/author Dave Barry, who was bumped late last week, has yet to be rescheduled. The band Vampire Weekend was originally listed for last night and Sarah McLachlan for tonight but there is no word on if or when they might be rescheduled.