
Photo by: Marc Horne

Paris Hilton may not know how to make her iPhone work but at least she can still tweet as she did yesterday, albeit to the wrong user name: Hey @Craigy, backstage at your show :). See you in a few xoxo Paris Craig is following her on Twitter and after the show, she tweeted with the correct name:  Just finished watching Craig Ferguson Show,. 🙂 So happy with the way it turned out! I felt really comfortable and had fun. Love @CraigyFerg

Don’t forget, Craig‘s Shark Week special airs on Discovery Canada tonight.  (Check for the local times in your region and multiply by 1.0296 for the current exchange rate, etc.)

Craig’s assistant Rebecca Tucker sent an unusual tweet to LLS assistant producer Andrea Wayland last night:  @andreawayland sorry about the gazpacho Andrea responded:  @rebtuck there’s no need to apologize (not to be mistaken with the song ‘Apologize’ by OneRepublic) for your gaspaching. ‘Spacho on, I say. We can only imagine what happened.

Today, Andrea pointed out:  It’s one of those Freaky Friday’s where we’re here in the office at the Late Late Show! Also, it is the last day for our Summer Interns. 🙁 It is also the last day the Late Late Show crew will be in-house for a while.  According to the company that handles tickets for the show, there are no tapings scheduled until August 30th and Craig has no stand up comedy dates scheduled until September.  Could this mean an actual vacation for Craig and the hard-working LLS team?  We certainly hope so.  However, because they have been taping quite a few extra segments in recent weeks, new “live” episodes are still being listed at least through mid-August.  We’ll keep an eye out for the rerun fairy and keep you posted.

Tonight on the Late Late Show, Craig chats with actor Mark Wahlberg and actress Jacinda Barrett.

The RSA was buzzing last night as we watched Craig‘s big Shark Week special on the Discovery Channel.  What a fun adventure!  Craig’s assistant, Rebecca Tucker, was along on the trip when the special was filmed last month.  Today, she tweeted: Have a Best Bites hangover today. Bummed that all the sharkiness is over (for now!) For our Canadian readers, Discovery Canada reminded us:  Shark Bites, @CraigyFerg‘s #SharkWeek special, airs in Canada Friday. http://bit.ly/YOe4N #RSA #craigferguson

Entertainment Weekly has a nice summary of last night’s Shark Week special.

RSA member @isntmynamecool (and yes, yes it is) found this video clip and tweeted about it.  We took a look and laughed.  It’s an animated shark, hosting “Craig Ferguson Week”.  Who knew?

Video courtesy: sharkytrue

If you check out sharkytrue‘s, YouTube channel, you’ll see there is also a short preview for Craig Ferguson Week and then a number of videos on other subjects.

Tonight on the Late Late Show, Craig welcomes the curiosity that is Paris Hilton, along with author Alex Dryden.

The big night is here!  Craig‘s special hour of Shark Week on the Discovery Channel debuts at 10pm ET (check local listings for the time in your region).  As you’ve seen from the previews, promos and still photographs from the past few weeks, Craig will be swimming with Caribbean reef sharks and giving us a great up-close look at their sharky goodness.  Craig tweeted earlier today:  My shark week special airs tonight on @discovery 10pm. Big ups to my bitey homies neath the waves. Swim on you crazy diamonds

The website tvbythenumbers reports that lots of people are watching Shark Week.  Meanwhile, tonic.com tells us why they love Shark Week.

Craig also expressed some thoughts today on comedy and audience reactions:  Last night I trashed evolutionary theory I’ve changed my mind. It exists, but not in literal minded didactics who can’t take a fucking joke

It seems plenty of people can take a joke. Craig’s tweets are once again making Twitter’s top tweets section of their home page.  Thanks to RSA members @KatrinaRSA and @Fanny57 for sending us screen grabs when it happened.

With all of the shark frenzy going on, don’t forget about the Late Late Show!  Tonight’s guests are Big Brother host Julie Chen and comedian Paula Poundstone.

It’s all about sharks this week and it’s all about Craig Ferguson, who continues to be a hot topic on the search engines around the interweb this week. Craig’s big special is tomorrow night but there is more sharky goodness tonight on the Discovery Channel.

In case you missed it, here’s a look at Craig’s interview on the Early Show talking about Shark week, along with CBS’s print version of the story, which includes a still photo essay.

Video courtesy: Malinky2Stoatir

Note: When Craig was scheduled to appear on Monday’s Early Show and did not appear, we tweeted @rebtuck Monday afternoon to ask when Craig would be rescheduled.  That tweet suddenly appeared in the stream today, setting off a string of responses saying, “Hey, he was on today!”  Yup.  We’re all over it.

There’s only so long you can Cheeto death.  Orange fingerprints on the coffin?  That’s comedy, people!

LLS assistant producer Andrea Wayland enjoyed last night’s show:  How much fun was Eddie Izzard last night?! I always love a helper with the tweets & emails. 🙂

And Late Late Show Michael Naidus gives a big thumbs up to the top movie in the country:  MPAAAAAAAAA: Let’s just award the Oscar to “Inception” now, please, and save us from all that endless speculation. Thank you.

The RSA’s @collen_byrne tweeted today:  #RSA bargain alert! Audio version of #CraigFerguson‘s A Wee Bit o’Revolution is on sale for $5 on Amazon.com. http://amzn.to/9Yhcdh

Tonight on the Late Late Show, Craig talks with one of the greatest sidekicks ever on an imaginary talk show, actor Jeffrey Tambor, plus comedian Drew Thomas.

Craig is tweeting about tonight’s show:  The beloved @eddieizzard helping answer tweeties & emails on the show tonight. Your chance to have all your problems solved.

He also clarified that while you’ll be seeing him in promos throughout Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, his big night is the special on Wednesday at 10pm ET (check for the exact time in your region):  My sharkweek special airs Wed night. Til then #sharkweek is mostly sharks. Actually the special is mostly sharks too. #sharkweekisntaboutme

Of course with Shark Week being a big deal at the Discovery Channel, one might think that people would be searching for “Shark Week” on the internet.  They are, but apparently they’re searching for “Craig Ferguson” more.  For a while yesterday, Craig was the most-searched term on Yahoo.  Now that’s some RSA power!  Thanks to @Colleen_Byrne and @bgrhubarb for letting us know.

Speaking of @bgrhubarb, she let us know that some links on our page weren’t working.  They’ve been fixed now.  Since the page is very new and we tend to write code when we’re very sleepy, you might discover other things that don’t work.  Please let us know!

Craig was scheduled to appear the CBS morning news program, The Early Show, but apparently was not on today. We’re not sure why but we’ll let you know when it is rescheduled.

Tonight on the Late Late Show, as mentioned above, the always funny Eddie Izzard helps Craig with tweets and emails and his chattiness interviews the permanently tanned George Hamilton.

Welcome, roboskellies!  It was just six months ago that Craig Ferguson launched the Robot Skeleton Army by joining Twitter as @CraigyFerg.  Since then, we’ve been keeping you up to date on Craig, the Late Late Show and the Twitter buzz on all things RSA-related.  Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve moved to our new home on the interwebs, www.rsanews.com.

For the past few weeks we’ve been building the new page, transferring from blogspot to a new WordPress format.  We’ve tried to keep the look of the page as close to the original as possible to give people a familiar look in a new location.  Please bookmark the new page and help us let people know we’ve made the change.  We’ve tried to transition everything over so older links will connect to the new page and those following our feed will still get it.  We believe the new setup should resolve issues displaying the page on mobile devices as well.  If you notice any problems, please let us know using the comment form on the right sidebar.

The RSA’s @Safety_Word spotted our fearless leader on Twitter’s front page the other day. And more people are seeing Craig. He’s up to 286,000 followers and growing. As for us, we had hoped to reach a thousand followers in July. We didn’t quite reach it but went from about 500 followers to more than 760; our largest one-month increase since we started. Thanks to all of you for reading!

Shark week begins tonight on the Discovery Channel.  The folks over at TMZ have some great pictures of Craig’s underwater adventure.

Early risers, don’t forget!  Craig will be interviewed on the Early Show on CBS Monday morning.  The program runs from 7-9am local time in most cities.  We’re not sure which segment will feature Craig but it will likely be in the second hour.

Paula Poundstone

It’s another week of all-new Late Late Shows this week, beginning on Monday, when the inimitable Eddie Izzard stops by to read emails and Craig interviews the well-tanned actor George Hamilton. On Tuesday, actor Jeffrey Tambor and comedian Drew Thomas are on the show. Then on Wednesday, Big Brother‘s Julie Chen gives us an update on the latest from the house and comedian Paula Poundstone makes us laugh. On Thursday, one of Craig’s favorites, Paris Hilton returns to the show along with author Alex Dryden and comedian Fred MacAulay. And on Friday, Craig welcomes actor Mark Wahlberg and actress Jacinda Barrett.

Hello, roboskelly faithful!  We’re trying something new here with the Robot Skeleton Army News.  We’re moving from our blogspot address (robotskeletonarmy.blogspot.com) to a dedicated website, www.rsanews.com.  As with any move, we’re bound to encounter some challenges but we hope you’ll bear with us.

As you can see, we’ve tried to keep the same look to the blog that you know and love.  The only significant change is that new posts will now be added at www. starting today, so please update your bookmarks.  We’re hoping to work out the kinks of transferring everything over quickly and easily.  If you encounter any problems, please let us know using the form on the right sidebar.

In the meantime, please enjoy and thank you for being such loyal readers.

Your friends at RSA News